The Farewell

Wan Tingfu wore a light blue dress, revealing a pair of lovely shoulders. Her seaweed-like hair fell down, and her swan-like neck was faintly discernible. Her small, palm-sized face had a cherry-like mouth that seemed to open slightly, and her pair of heroic almond-shaped eyes were filled with a smile.

She was gentle yet proud, and her unique temperament directly stunned the waiter beside her. The hand that was holding the teapot was suspended in the air, like a modern statue.

Xu Yuan pointed at the table beside her, coughed, and said, "Miss Wan, please have a seat."

Wan Tingfu was holding a Chanel handbag as she leisurely sat down. She smiled and said, "Mr. Shu has good eyesight. He recognized me at a glance."

"Just call me Xu Yuan." He pushed the menu in front of Wan Tingfu. "Let's order."

Wan Tingfu didn't even look at the menu. She pushed the menu back with one hand. First, she told the waiter the names of a few dishes. Then, she said to Xu Yuan, "Their sea urchins are not bad. Xu Yuan, do you want some?"

Xu Yuan had never been to such a high-class place. Since Wan Tingfu had suggested it, he couldn't be bothered to order. He simply ordered the same dish.

"Xu Yuan. How did you know that I like this hotel?" Wan Tingfu rested her chin on her hands, pursing her lips as she waited for the Xu Yuan to say the answer she wanted.

"Huh? I don't," Xu Yuan said honestly. "I just saw that your online name is Freya, the goddess of love and magic, so I chose this hotel with a Norse mythology theme."

Wan Tingfu was overjoyed when she heard that. She clapped her hands and said, "I've been using my online name for so long, and you're the first one to understand the meaning. It's not a waste of all I've done for you."

She didn't mean to mention it. After all, to others, such as Cai Pingtong, helping Xu Yuan to get rid of the marketing account was a huge favor. But to Wan Tingfu, it was just a snap of her fingers.

She wasn't someone who wanted her favor to be returned, so she said it casually.

However, Xu Yuan was a person who could distinguish between gratitude and hatred. He stood up, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and said solemnly, "Miss Wan, the reason I invited you to dinner today is to thank you for your help. Thank you for helping me clarify."

This solemn look gave Wan Tingfu a fright. The atmosphere suddenly became serious, making her extremely nervous.

"Don't... Don't be polite. I'm helping you mainly for the book... Yes, you're better at writing than anything else." Wan Tingfu felt that this reason was very convincing.

Changing the topic, she asked, "How's your new book coming along? Is It also a fantasy? Is it the sequel to battle with the Firmament or a companion piece?"

Xu Yuan sat down again, and Wan Tingfu kept asking him questions. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence, Xu Yuan asked, "Tingfu, do you believe that people can be reincarnated? Experiencing different lives in different parallel worlds..."

Wan Tingfu did not understand the meaning of the Xu Yuan at first. Looking at the unusually serious expression on Xu Yuan's face, she suddenly felt that she had to treat it seriously. She frowned slightly, after thinking for a while, she said, "Is it a subject related to the new book? It sounds very good."

Xu Yuan's eyes dimmed for a moment, but they soon returned to normal. He smiled and said, "Sort of... then if a person suddenly appeared in front of you and told you that he lived in another world, what would you think?"

"Haha." Wan Tingfu covered her mouth and laughed. Although she didn't believe in such nonsense, there was a writer who relied on his imagination sitting opposite her, so she followed Xu Yuan and said, "I should ask him to take me on an adventure. Is it the plot of the new book?"


Her half-joking attitude made the Xu Yuan hesitate.

The disappointment in his heart was like the fog of early winter. It wasn't heavy. As long as he waited until the sun came out, it would disappear quickly. Unfortunately, Wan Tingfu wasn't that Sun yet.

Because the Xu Yuan would return to the main world tomorrow.

After he left, the Xu Yuan of the parallel world would follow the path of the web novelist that he had created, and replace him as the person that Wan Tingfu worshiped.

But in the end, it was not him. The Xu Yuan still held the outline of the Master of Secrets in his hand. He originally wanted to leave it to Wan Tingfu as a parting gift before he left.

Unfortunately, Wan Tingfu said that she wanted to follow the protagonist on an adventure, but if this happened in real life, Wan Tingfu would definitely think that the Xu Yuan was indulged in imagination and could not distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Xu Yuan regretfully shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Never mind. I might be stuck in my writing, so I wanted to hear other people's opinions."

He looked up at Wan Tingfu. Her pair of black gem-like eyes were staring at him seriously and she was very engrossed in listening.

Being treated seriously by someone, no matter who it was, they would feel touched. Xu Yuan smiled and blurted out the words of praise, "The dress you're wearing is really beautiful. The blue color suits you very well."

"Really... really..." Wan Tingfu blushed again.

She had wanted to listen to Guan Shu's opinion and choose a purple dress, but on second thought, it seemed like she was trying to please him. Wan Tingfu had her own pride, so she changed into a light blue dress before she left the house.

The dress was not carefully chosen, and it did not even match her hairstyle. However, when she heard her Xu Yuan praise her, Wan Tingfu's heart felt like it was dripping with honey, and the sweetness slowly filled her heart.

"Your suit is also very tasteful," Wan Tingfu replied with her lips pursed. She could not help but take another look at her Xu Yuan.

Before she came, Wan Tingfu recalled Guan Shu's words. She was worried that her Xu Yuan would be in a very bad state, but she did not expect him to have such good taste and to be very clean. His face was still childish, but his eyes were full of maturity, completely different from her previous suitors.

Just as the atmosphere was getting more and more ambiguous, the waiter served plates of delicious food.

The alluring fragrance served as a mediator. The two ate and chatted until nine o'clock in the evening.

Xu Yuan originally wanted to send Wan Tingfu back, but Wan Tingfu's butler was waiting at the door early. He saw her to the car and then took a taxi home.

The taxi stopped downstairs at 10 pm. Xu Yuan looked up and saw that the living room light was still on, but Xu Yuan's parents must have gone to bed by now. The light was specially left for him.

Whether it was in the main world or the parallel world, his parents' concern for him had not changed. There was even food left on the coffee table, but Xu Yuan knew that he would not have the chance to eat.

He quietly returned to his room, hung his suit jacket by the bed, and sat in front of his computer to open the start screen.

As "Battle Through the Heavens" was nearing its end, he sent the rest of the draft to Cai Pingtong, asking him to help him update it.

After flipping through the comments for a while, he returned to the table uneasily. He moved the mouse to the unfinished Lord of Mysteries Folder, and he had already written the part where Zhou Mingrui transmigrated into Klein.

Wasn't this a perfect match for his transmigration?

"I hope Wan Tingfu can understand." Xu Yuan laughed and shook his head. He packed the documents and sent them to Wan Tingfu, then quickly turned off his computer and lay on his bed.

He closed his eyes, and the long-lost world of consciousness wrapped around him.