Security and Bitcash

Lewis-Jacobs dispatched David to assist Vince with negotiating with the security forces at the gym. They met up at the lobby before proceeding to the gym's office.

Tom introduced his fellow students to him, men twice their age, around 30s years old.

Price, one of the five candidates, expanded further on his field experience extending from live combat, unlike the others.

The African-American man in his mid-30s decided to explain his military background in detail.

"I have field security qualifications earned from USSOC and spent my last tour securing and setting up telecommunications for field outposts utilizing military cybersecurity protocols. Frankly, my master's degree in cybersecurity isn't all for show.", Price stated proudly.

Vince tested him in cybersecurity practices and techniques on the spot and passed with flying colors. 

"I would assume you have experience in leading teams. Therefore, I'll promote you to head of my security department based on your qualifications and shall be compensated twice the typical market annual salary." Vince offered.

[This guy is the real deal. He looks far from a cybersecurity nerd and more like a human tank, but he knows his stuff,] Vince thought. So David produced contracts for all five of them to sign, and Price started creating a rotating schedule for the four others protecting Leah and Vince.

"Price, I'll need your help and opinions with buying my new home. Any equipment that civilians can procure will be made available. Lewis-Jacobs can provide more than enough funds, and our safety is the top priority.", Vince requested.

Vince instructed the other four to get ready that same day and provided them with funds to buy modified suits with body armor and their choice of weaponry. 

They left and returned a few hours later, looking like high-class bodyguards.

[It seems like they spared no expense and were able to procure some P90 sub-machine guns and Colt 1911s as sidearms. Price was SF, and it makes sense that their group was well connected to the others in the military and small-arms world.] Vince pondered.

He never really interacted with military personnel and only met a U.S major once when his consultation company in the past secured a bid for a U.S defense contract. 

After talking to Price the past few hours, Vince realized the guy was a cybersecurity chad.

[This guy could have easily led the security department in my old company.] Vince thought. 

After browsing the available options, Price suggested a home located at the corner of a nice-looking neighborhood.

The gated entrance to the walled estate provided extra security and was listed for $5 million after fees.

After bidding farewell and thanks to Tom and his father, Vince instructed David to purchase the home and left with Price and the two other bodyguards.

Vince offered them a sponsorship deal for their gym as a sign of thanks for connecting him with Price and the others and was glad to accept.

"Mom, you won't have to pack any of our things yourself, but please sort the important belongings we don't want to leave.", Vince said.

"I feel more secure now with Price and the others around. They seem trustworthy and capable. I'll go ahead and do what you asked then.", Leah replied.

They moved in the next day and tasked Price with securing their new home. Price suggested constructing an underground level to store all the vital security equipment, and Vince approved immediately.

Construction started the same day and is projected to be finished by the end of the month. Price utilized one of the many rooms to store the equipment he ordered for the meantime.

Vince was allowed one bodyguard to shadow him at school due to the recent attack. He bought a car because there weren't any school buses that usually stopped near his new home.

[It's exciting to shop for a new car. I'm used to driving cheap vehicles, but I can't drive anyway, so might as well get a functional one,] he thought. So Vince decided to order an armored Klassen Rolls-Royce sparing no expense for around $1 million.

It arrived a week later, and Vince decided to finish the school year before starting homeschool. 

David came by the villa to update Vince with the investigation and confirmed the perpetrator paid the assailant to assassinate Vince. They haven't found the employer yet, though.

Lewis-Jacobs located a few staff manager candidates with excellent qualifications and decided to hire the one that recently left Microsoft after hearing about a job opening at Future Tech. 

"I want him to move to Austin as soon as possible after signing the contract.", Vince instructed his legal counsel.

David understood and left home as Vince continued working with BitCash on the updates.

A week later, David introduced him to the new staff manager, Hudson.

The human resource veteran was a caucasian-American man in his mid-40s, fresh off the plane from Silicon Valley.

David also mentioned finalizing negotiations with an old and reputable Swiss bank in securing Vince's assets.

"Hudson, I'll be tasking you in assessing my current contractors and employees at Future Tech while I'm gone. I'll fly to Switzerland tomorrow with Price and David to sign the contract. You can skip over Dollar for now because he'll also be joining us in Switzerland." Vince instructed.

David and Hudson left while Vince was contacting Dollar regarding the final version of the Bitcoin Bank system they've been developing. He tasked Dollar and a few technicians from Bitcash to fly to Switzerland immediately to help Vince with the installation.

Vince packed his luggage and kept the pen drive containing the primary key to his satoshi wallet in a secure briefcase cuffed to himself. 

Their group looked rather odd to regular flyers at the airport. Men in tailored suits walked with a teenage kid like he was the boss or something.

They boarded the direct flight to Switzerland that would take 12 hours usually. 

[I never thought that first-class seats were this comfortable. Well, I could never have afforded it in my past life anyway, so how would I know.] Vince thought.

The group went directly to the bank after landing in Zurich and met the bank manager. The bank manager wanted to know how valuable the assets Vince wanted to store so the bank could accommodate their group better.

"I asked some of my employees to help you secure my assets using a newly developed technology called the Bitcoin Bank. Most of my liquid cash gets spent in expenditures and expansion costs, but my most valuable assets are related to Bitcoin." Vince stated.

"I'm familiar with Bitcoin. If I recall, it's a type of cryptocurrency." the bank manager replied.

"You'll be able to see the value of my account once my employees finish installing the Bitcoin Bank. I will require a room in your vault with an accessible internet connection and ample cooling. My company will pay for the upgrade expenses, so don't worry." Vince stated plainly.

"Fair enough, I'll have someone notify you when the space is ready in the vault." the bank manager replied. 

The Bitcash department and Vince designed the Bitcoin Bank, balancing security with accessibility, allowing potential users to experience a completely digital banking alternative.

The entire concept of Bitcash is based on "purchasing power", rather than Bitcoin's "hold of value".

Vince and Dollar designed Bitcash minted after customers pay a stable $1 dollar each, back by the current market value of Bitcoin that goes straight to the protected layers of the Bitcoin Bank on the following cycle.

This system makes it easier for users to spend a crypto-backed currency without the hassle of rapidly fluctuating Bitcoin and foreign exchange markets.

For example, if Vince bought 1 Bitcash worth $1 dollar to buy a cheap item in Wingin' Chicken, the portal would reserve 0.0125 Bitcoin from Future Tech's wallet, into the Bitcoin bank.

People could choose to purchase Bitcoin instead and wait until values appreciate and then sell, but it wouldn't be the best choice if you'd like to spend money on housing, bills, and other expenses dealing with such small decimal values.

This situation would continuously worsen as Bitcoin shoots up to its ludicrous heights in 2021 at around $50,000 each.

Imagine buying a loaf of bread for 0.00002 BTC; it's plain ridiculous, and this makes it difficult for traditional banks and non-tech savvy customers to take full advantage of peer-to-peer payments.

Vince's main Bitcoin wallet will be the most protected and require two separate keys that regenerate every hour. One was with Vince and the other with the bank manager.

Some of the wallet tiers within the Bitcoin Bank can be accessed by the Bitcash team, while most of the Bitcoin revenue slowly filtered towards the most secure layer after a few blockchain cycles.

It took Vince and his team a few days to install the system in the vault and ensure its security before going live.

Vince and the bank manager tested their keys and successfully accessed the most secure tier that contained more than 10 million BTC. 

DWDollar was surprised to see so much Bitcoin in one wallet, and he would probably never have the chance to see the balance again anytime soon.

Even the bank manager was startled and understood why the teenage kid was keen on securing his satoshi wallet in such a complicated way. 

Vince would start paying the bank next month, including the expenses for constructing a separate area in the vault.

[I'll have Price check on the cybersecurity status of the Bitcoin Bank shortly after we get home.] Vince thought.

They bade farewells, and all flew back to the U.S a day after.

Stats last time checked: 



10.5 million BTC (currently trades at $80) 

$5 million cash in Future Tech

15+ employees (Future Studios, BitCash)

5+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom

Collaborators (Epic)

EDITED +300 words


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