Government Funding

A beautiful woman with blonde hair in her late 30s called Ernest Moniz's business phone number, provided by one of her many industry connections.

Within an office at the Department of Energy in DC, a Portuguese-American man in his mid-60s was busy with his current national project. He was distracted by a random call from an unknown number.

[No one knows this number unless they're huge donors or very important people. I'll pick up just in case.]

"My name is Marcia Kemp. I appreciate you accepting my call." the voice on the other line said.

"Marcia Kemp? From Kemp-Jacobs, Future Tech's law firm?" Ernest asked inquisitively.

"Correct. Great, I won't have to waste time introducing myself. Vince Dalton was approached by an EU representative asking for help with their fusion reactor project in France. He claims our proprietary graphene technology is vital to their project's success and lowballed us for assistance." Marcia explained straight to the point.