
(Comment here for anything you want to see on a new YouTube video about this novel and please vote using powerstones and golden tickets to get us within the top 20!)

An inferior version of a mil-spec Stingray landed in an open field surrounded by dense tropic vegetation.

Hades and his strike team rendezvoused with Anarchy's Russian contact on a remote island amongst the Caribbean.

Their contact brought twenty unmarked operatives to support Anarchy's thirty-man strike team.

All the men's identities were kept safe using balaclavas and thick helmets featuring night-vision goggles.

"Greetings. You can call me Hades. Let's get straight to the point. What crucial intel are you providing us? I believe the value was pegged relatively high." Hades stated in fluent Russian.

The large man decked out in heavy assault armor, and helmet nodded in agreement.