Wagner Group

Later that Sunday evening, a group of young Future Tech executives and their friends gathered at the Dalton Manor for dinner.

A large projector in the living room was playing the Infinity Channel livestream countdown event for the Everlife Expansion featuring pre-recorded and behind-the-scenes interviews with prominent Future Studios personalities like Kyle, John Carmack, and Brendan Greene (Playerunknown).

The event also featured a few segments on recently successful Everlife streamers like Wonder Alice and Sodapoppin, aside from the expansion's main cast members, including Idris Elba, Brad Pitt, and Emma Stone.

Hailee was entertained by her friend's Twitch interview and said, "It looks like your stream is more popular than ever, sis! Keep it up!"

The other guests, like Princess Olympia and the Jenner sisters, nodded in agreement after observing and consuming the rapidly growing new wave of online entertainment pioneered by Future Tech.