Thursday Afternoon, September 12, 2013
While Vince Dalton was busy addressing the video media sub-department of Future Studios regarding the general plans for producing the Astartes (Space Marines) Infinity Channel TV Show, an important corporate guest continued patiently touring the headquarters.
A Caucasian woman in her late 50s named Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin's CEO, was accompanied by the dignified Future Tech Chief Operating Officer, Hudson.
The man in his 40s showed the guest around the non-sensitive areas around Future Tech Robotics, Micro Devices, and Artificial Intelligence. He also briefly introduced her to their respective department directors like Heidi, Morgan, and Patel.
They acted professionally and politely, meeting the influential CEO. Still, They were too busy with current projects to speak extensively with her until the official conference regarding the F-35 redesign scheduled in an hour.