How could Lucas make himself sit on the lap of such a greasy person? The person urging him to sit was in his early thirties and look average but those lecherous eyes made it impossible for him to even move in that person's direction.

Before Lucas could make some excuse, another man spoke.

" Hey Winston just because you sat in that chair don't think you are a king, I want that boy to come to me," another man grunted in displeasure. He won't let Winston have such a fair fairy to himself. He wanted to be the first one to taste such a delicious person.

The man pointed at the person beside in front of Lucas. Now Lucas knew the name of the man misbehaving with him was Winston.

" Xenon, don't fight me. Don't forget who made me the leader or why! Hey boy come here," Winston warned the person named Xenon making him shut his mouth then he gestured to Lucas to come.

From their interaction, Lucas at least knew the mastermind wasn't here at the moment.

When Adrian saw how his beloved was asked to sit on another man's lap he nearly lost it.

He was radiating a dark aura around him, how dare mere lackey's order his beloved moreover they dare to lay their dirty gazes at him.

He was beyond furious if one looked closely they could feel the aura around him was bad but who knew a brave or should you say a foolish soul walk towards him with a flirty smile adorning her lips.

A young lady of age about 25 tugged his arms haughtily dragging him to sit by her side. She pressed his arm against her chest looking at him seductively.

All the men are looking at the ladyboy but she prefers the mature looking boy y her side if Lucas knew what she was thinking then he would make sure to pair her with that dead brain Faran.

Such a handsome young lad how could she, Miranda let him go. Looking at him she could say the boy was about 15 or 16 and yet this much sex appeal. she couldn't dare imagine how this young lad by her side look when he matured but before that, she would make sure to teach him a thing or two. Thinking that Miranda licks her lips. She began to caress Adrian's chest seductively.

When Lucas saw this he frowned in displeasure. That woman, does she think her smile was seductive, Pei! His Adrian won't even bother to give her a second look Humph!

" Hey beauty, why are you frowning," Winston lecherous hand tugged Lucas chin towards him.

Lucas timidly shook his head. He looked like a little rabbit facing a wolf outwardly whereas inwardly he was cussing the man ' Did he have a fetish to grab other's chin or what?'

Winston amusedly smiles. He then pulled Lucas and made him sit on his lap. Lucas stiffened earning him a chuckle from the person.

" Sir, I can sit on the sofa, no need to suffer yourself," slightly trembling Lucas look at Winston. He was disgusted and angered but he had already suffered if he didn't take what he came for then he would be more wrong. Once all this end he would like to see how these people would escape him, a dark light fash through Lucas's eyes.

" It's ok, sweety," the hand slightly squeezed his butt urging him to throw up but he endure.

Once this all ends he would make sure that this perverted bastard knew what it feels to be groped, molested and many other things!

Despite Lucas planning to retaliate in future, he wouldn't be given such chances to retaliate.

But right now he had to get the information.

Shaking his head, 'unconsciously' he rubs his head against Winston's chest, face adorned with blush he timidly peeked at him through his long lashes then he slightly lowered his head then continue to peek and lower, as if he was shy and hesitant.

Being looked like that by the boy Winston nearly lost his composure, how he wish to devour the little fairy in his arms but he simply can't, he sighs then he chuckled in amusement, " What do you want to ask?"

Such a cute little rabbit, he would like to eat it cleanly not even leaving a bone but sadly rules clearly forbid them but at least they can touch and feel the product though they can't fully sully the product.

They have called these poor kids saying they had to entertain them and in return, they would make them experience haven. They didn't falsely say it they would make them experience the haven by a single dose of the drug and by pleasuring them to the extreme. Hehehe thinking how he would do many more things with the fairy in his arms he got excited.

Using the boy's lack of awareness, Winston put a packet of white powder in the glass of soda, however, how could both Adrian and Lucas be unaware of what's really happening.

Lucas's eyes harden so did Adrian's. They couldn't understand why they have to ruin others to satisfy themselves. Drug and Human trafficking is the worst crime, these people didn't deserve to live!

He would make sure to make these people pay for now let's move to act pitiful.

Shaking his head Lucas looked at his feet," I don't....don't."

" Sweety, do ask if something wrong I would not just answer it," Winston gently whisper in the boy's ear while presenting the glass of soda to the boy in his arms.

All of Winston accomplices secretly roll their eyes at Winston's behaviour thinking, 'Go and join the entertainment circle! What the hell are you doing being a drug lord huh!'

" Sir..." Lucas took the glass but he didn't drink it. He only stutters to form the words as he looks at the man.

" Just call me Winston...come on baby call me Winston," Winston licked the tempting ear in front of him. Before this boy, he hasn't seen such an adorable and cute person. He had to sell this person at a high price but before that, he would surely enjoy him making sure not to fully sully him.

" How can I..... Sir,"

" Baby, don't try my patience," the little fairy in his arms stiffened when he heard a warning in his voice. He meekly raises his head to look at him. the fairy's eyes were full of grievance and fear.

"...Win... Winston, I heard this place belong to Jon...Jonesons, won't they be angry if they find us here," despite how Lucas said in a small voice, those who were near him heard him loud and clear?

As if the butterfly effect happened, one after another the people stopped what they are doing as they looked at the boy in their leader with suspicion.