" How did you know that!" Winston angrily growled, while swiftly grabbing the boy's neck. Only a few people knew who the real owner of this place was so how could this poor child know the owner of this place.

Lucas knew what he asked may raise the suspicion of many people inside this room since many didn't know the real owner of the store on the 8th floor and he a dirt poor teenager got to know the real owner who would believe such bullshit!

'But I had to make all the people in the room believe only then would I be able to have any breakthrough' thinking that he swiftly got into his timid trembling beauty role.

" I.....I..."

" Don't stutter and answer me!" seeing the boy's timid and meek look, Winston only becomes more irritated. He grabbed tightened the hold on the kid's neck in irritation.

"This bastard how dare he...'"Adrian was beyond mad. He was already ready to kill the bastard when he urged Lucas to sit on his lap and now he dared to chocked his beloved. Adrian was seeing red and was about to stand up but was stopped by Lucas's warning gaze.

He felt helpless, he knew this was the test of Lucas's loyalty and truthfulness and they were so close to getting the trust of these people, he can't get involved now or else all his beloved sacrifices will be for nothing.

Adrian clenched his hand into a fist and endure. Only this time and there won't be anything like this!

" Haa, My classmate told me," chokingly Lucas answered but in return, Winston looked incredulously at him.

" You dirt poor bastards who don't have anything in your name and who always looking for an opportunity to charm rich people, have a friend who knew the owner of this fancy place! what a joke! Oh! Tell me, the name of your so-called friend who knows the owner of the million-dollar clothing store," Winston mockingly looked at the boy. He didn't believe this timid looking boy at all! He thought this beauty was naive and foolish but to his surprise, this naive looking boy was a wolf acting like a sheep to gobble him up.

The boy's eyes suddenly went wide in disbelief looking hurt by the words utter by him as if he couldn't believe the person who cuddle him just a minute ago could humiliate him like this.

" I am telling the truth! Why don't you believe me!" the boy cried as he look at him. The way he cried was so beautiful, the boy begged him with his eyes and when he saw only distrust and anger in his eyes the boy's eyes become soulless making him uncomfortable, guilty and sad. He slightly loosens his hold.

' Look at the sorrow and helplessness in my eyes and feel guilty for breaking my trust you bastard! if I don't make your life hell then my name isn't Lucas Evans heh!'

" You may not believe me but....I... I study in Peerless academy in scholarship moreover I am in Elite class. I am a classmate with a rich heir and heiress from a different country so when I said I am coming here, chortling they said that I couldn't afford to buy a needle from this shopping centre and that I will be thrown out by the security before I get to place my foot if I dressed like a poor. Even Hayden Joneson warned me I better not went to the 8th floor where his family's store is, to dirty the place. I hate him so much. So I was just curious, sorry If I have asked what I shouldn't have," Lucas's voice was full of grievance laced with hatred when he spoke of Joneson's

Hearing the boy's explanation with wronged expression Winston's eyes shone. Winston didn't completely believe what this innocent looking boy said but thought he was just a teenager and if what this boy said was correct then they could corrupt the whole school by using this boy so he let the matter go, ' Even you are playing with me once you enter this place it's impossible to escape from here....'

' Heh! I know you don't believe me but thinking I am naive and immature you let it go, which would be your downfall,' what Winston didn't know whom he think of naive fool was a predator who came to hunt him down with his angry mate.

" Oh, poor baby, as an apology I would destroy Joneson's name from this world forever. Don't you worry I would help you to resolve your hatred," gently messaging Lucas's neck, Winston picked Lucas on his arms.

It's not hard for him to fulfil this promise at all, after all, their main mission was to destroy three families of A country. If helping himself will let this naive boy think he was also taking revenge for him then maybe he could use this as a way to bind this beauty to him.

Hearing Winston's words, the boy's eyes lit up as if he forget everything he had done to him a minute ago and was looking at his saviour and hero," Really! Would you do it? For me!"

' Fool, just this and was ready to jump in my arms, heh poor are like this,' Winston thoughts as look at the boys' happy face.

" But How?" Lucas tilted his head in confusion.

Looking at such an adorable and foolish person, Winston couldn't help but lick Lucas's ears.

Lucas shuddered in disgust while Winston's eyes gleam in delight feeling the boy trembling in his arms in 'pleasure'.

" Don't worry, I would make Jonesons life hell, especially that Alina's. This place surely belongs to Alina, Hayden's mom and here we are doing bad things like selling drugs, and if the media knew about it then all her public image would be gone! Ha! And without knowing and getting involved in this she would be condemned by all the world," Winston maliciously whisper in Lucas's ears.

' Caught you!' Lucas's eyes were full of ruthlessness when heard Winston's malicious words, though he quickly surpassed them by his innocent and naive looking one.

"!" Winston saw disbelief and fear in the boy's eyes.

" Winston .....are you...really doing Isn't it bad for your health and illegal to sell," the boy hesitantly looked at him as he asked the question.

" You don't have to be scared darling, it is fun to do Drugs, It will make you rich and let you experience heaven," Winston coax the boy in his arms.