' Lucas' one last time called Alex, Alina and their husband informing them, they were was leaving. Luna one last time met her best friend and bid her farewell.

He saw them leaving the country and residing in the small but well developed J country. He saw 'Lucas' selling all his mother's inheritance and building the small save heaven for Luna.

As the time passed he saw 'Lucas' meticulously taking care of Luna. She slowly began to cheer up.

They were happy and at that time 'Lucas' met Adrian. They met when Adrian came to J country for business and by coincidence, it was near 'Lucas's' office. However, he could feel it wasn't as coincident as Adrian showed it to be. 'Lucas' may not know Adrian but he knew how shrewd Adrian could be.

Meeting after 7 years they bother were awkward and distant, but as time passed on he also saw how Adrian single-mindedly pursue 'Lucas'.

With Adrian's pushy nature,' Lucas' finally gave in after 3 long years, Luna was happy for them but as if destiny didn't want them to be happy as soon as they got together 'Lucas' died in the car accident at the age of 25 leaving them behind.

As soon as 'Lucas ' died Lucas was finally ejected out of his body.

Lucas thought he would be able to escape from this weird dream but who would have thought he would get to see the birth of a devil from his own eyes.

After ' Lucas' death as if all the hell broke loose, Adrian lost all his composure. As the only member of his beloved family, he had his people take care of Luna then as if possessed he began to look for the cause of Lucas's death.

He saw how Adrian found out how Maria and Timmothy had arranged 'Lucas' death.

He saw how Adrian kidnapped both Maria and Timmothy and had them die by the cruellest means possible. He saw how Adrian broke all their limbs, made cut all over their body without letting them faint.

" Lucas baby even if we couldn't be together this time, I will make sure to be together in next life," saying that he saw Adrian look towards him with obsession, love, and madness.

Lucas was spooked.

He didn't know why at that moment Lucas felt Adrian was speaking to him as if he could see him.

" Don't you dare to run, hide or escape from me next time you wouldn't be able to handle the consequences," Adrian chuckled looking in Lucas's direction with a warning like a predator.

Lucas was truly scared this time and wanted to run but when he looked at Adrian's eyes and saw more than those obsession deep inside he saw loneliness, helplessness, the sadness he couldn't help but walk towards Adrian.

" Ok, I Lucas Evans promise you to always be with you and never leave you," Lucas promised as he caress Adrian's cheek with so much love which he even didn't know himself.

Lucas didn't know what this small promise of his could cause him.

While Lucas was unravelling the unknown truth of his life unknowingly his family and friends were trying to digest the truth of his condition.

Eugene has just finished explaining all the truth his terminal suddenly rang.

He looked at his terminal only to find an unknown number displayed on the screen.

He unconsciously rejected the call but it kept ranging, with irritation and dismay he walked to the side and picked up the call.

While Eugene was busy speaking to the caller, the whole room was felt with a dark and sad aura.

They couldn't believe Lucas was dying. Hayden was shocked to the core, Amelia couldn't believe the news, Adrian was already emotionally unstable and for Luna, she was no better than Adrian.

She knew her brother has always been on the fragile side and would get sick every summer and in winter as if he was following some kind of routine but she didn't know his condition was this bad.

She couldn't believe her fragile hero who despite being sick never let anything harm her, who has always been the 1st person to handle her problem and the one to always stand in front of her when needed to be saved, one to always be beside her to whenever she needed a partner and who has always been behind her whenever she needed a little bit of encouragement would no longer be by her side in only 2 weeks.

" Mom, He would die in 2 weeks...."

" Don't you dare say he would die! how dare you! He won't leave me, he had promised me, he won't let me be alone again," As if possessed Adrian glared at Luna when she speak about Lucas dying in 2 weeks.

" Yes, we won't let anything happen to him, Adrian, Luna you two calm down ok," Olivia reassuringly smile at them, she soothingly rubbed her baby girl's back to calm her anger and worries.

Luna was angry at Adrian's outburst and wanted to retort but feeling his mom's soothing hand she let it go. She knew it wasn't the time to fight.

" Are you telling truth! You want to meet me! Ok, we will come right now," Eugene's excited voice rang making everyone in the room look at him.

" Darling, what happened? Who was the one on the other side of the call?" Olivia confusedly asked. Here their son's condition was out of control, what would be so important for her husband to be this excited.

" He called me. He wants to meet us," Eugene profoundly looks at his wife.

Olivia jolted from her sit, looked deeply at her husband's eyes as if he was joking but seeing him nodding his head she couldn't help but ask, " Are you serious?"

Just when the two were looking at each other with happiness they heard Doctor Drake's voice," Olivia! Eugene! Lucas.....he"