" Olivia! Eugene! Lucas.... he ..... is ....."

" What happened to Lucas, speak properly!" Marcus angrily questioned urging doctor Drake, who was stuttering to speak.

" He is having a panic attack! I don't think we can save him...."taking a deep breath Doctor Drake depressingly announced. His eyes were filled with tears, sadness and apology.

" I am so..."

" Don't you dare finish your word?" Olivia growled at the doctor. She can't bear to hear the cruel world of the doctor.

Before the doctor could finish his sentence Adrian ran to Lucas's room so didn't even get to see Olivia angrily shouting at the doctor. He wants to see Lucas, he won't let the other one leave him at all.

Seeing Adrian running towards Lucas's room everyone closely followed him behind.

Doctor Drake gave them the gist of the situation while striving towards Lucas's room.

" His condition was all right up to a few minutes ago and we were sure we could hold his breath for at least 2 weeks but we don't know what happened. His organs began to give out in an alarming condition. Looking at the situation we can stabilize his condition ..... for...."

" For... for..."

" Speak up dammit!" Luna shouted in anger.

" For... a .... day...." Doctor Drake speaks out with great difficulty. He didn't want to admit and believe he was going to lose his dear pupil.

" What do you mean for a day?" a dark and dreary voice rings in doctor Drake's voice scaring the shit out of him. He wasn't scared because someone was sneaking behind him and speaking, he was scared hearing such an ominous voice.

" Adrian!....."

" Doctor Drake, Brother Lucas fell asleep as soon as I held his hand. He is fine and should be able to get discharged soon," Adrian calmly said.

He looked refreshed, his voice was calm, there was even a small smile tugging at the end of his lips. He looked fine and this made others worried even more.

Before he entered the room Adrian was panic-stricken but now he looked as if nothing was happening here.

" Adrian, he is dying and there is nothing we can do about it. His body must be exhausted enough to not be able to handle being in panic condition anymore. Adrian, you have to let go and this applies to everyone. You all should prepare for the worst...." Doctor Drake could see Arian's mentality had fallen and was in a denial phase right now so he tried to persuade Adrian and others to let go.

" No, don't talk nonsense. He won't leave me alone, he had made a promise to me. He would come back for me! Lucas... Lucas won't leave me....." Adrian felt a deep pain both in his brain and heart. He clutched his head shaking it not wanting to listen and to accept the fact. He didn't want to admit defeat but he didn't know what he should do either.

" AHH!" he screamed as he felt the pain running through his whole body.

" Adrian!" Alex tried to go near him but his violent movement won't let anyone near him.

" For now don't get close to him!" Doctor Drake warned everyone when he saw Marcus and Eugene try to go near Adrian.

Hayden, Luna and Amelia couldn't help but cry seeing Adrian in this condition. They could feel Adrian's heart-wrenching pain and not wanting to accept Lucas was leaving him.

" The day we were supposed to spend happily ended up becoming our worst nightmare," Hayden mumbled with tears running through his cheeks. His two most beloved brothers' lives flipped in one day and he couldn't do anything but helplessly watched them. At this moment he truly felt helpless but what could he do, he is just a child with no power at all.

What no one imagined was this day would change the future course and aim of Hayden too.

" Ahh!" Adrian kept clutching his head and cried in pain.

When remembers as he entered Lucas's room just a moment ago and saw his beloved's body twitching uncontrollably due to a panic attack he knew everything he was denying to believe was happening in front of him.

When he hurriedly held Lucas in his arms ignoring the attending doctor's disapproval and felt Lucas's cold body his heart went cold from panic fearing Lucas had left him alone. Those breathing signs on the monitor screen were the only thing that made him go berserk.

When he felt Lucas's body going limp from exhaustion he was so afraid that despite seeing the attending doctor standing by their side he went to look for Doctor Drake only to hear him say his beloved has only a day to live.

Thinking all this, Adrian's head began to hurt more and more, then suddenly he fell with a " Thud!'

" Adrian!" Alex hurriedly walks to her son in a panic.

" It's maybe for the best if he fainted," muttering to himself doctor Drake had staff help, Alex, to lift Adrian from the ground then He had a doctor follow them,

With the help of staff, Alex took Adrian to Hemsworth's private VIPs room. Hayden followed behind Alex to help as for others they sat behind.

" Eugene, you said He wanted to meet you? When?" Reena sighs thinking about Adrian's condition but for her Lucas's condition is far weighs more than Adrian's so she asked her son about HIS request.

" Umm! He wanted to meet tonight at 9 pm. I thought we could meet tomorrow and even purpose it but He had said we don't have enough time and looking at the situation it seems true, Haaa...." Eugene informed his mother.

Reena knew who they were talking about. Only her husband, son and daughter-in-law knew who they were talking about and how powerful that person was.

Only the heads of the 3 families have the privilege to meet that person and no one, even the second child, has the privilege to know about them, not to mention meet them.

Even for the head of 3 families, THEY would try to meet only if there will be some major problems to come.

" Ah! I forgot HE had said to bring Alex and Hawk with us to meet him," Eugene said looking at Olivia.

" Alex and Hawk? Why?" Reena confusedly asked.

Marcus sighs and looks at his wife with a profound gaze, " Don't forget Adrian and Lucas are......."