In a distant place surrounded by nature was a small estate.

In that small estate, outside of one of the rooms, a figure could be seen pacing nervously giving an occasional glance to the door.

The room belongs to his master, it is the study room but he didn't know what happened. It has transformed into a bedroom and study room for the last few days.

He couldn't bring himself to knock on the door knowing his master was busy with something these days. While he was looking helplessly at the door he heard a teasing voice coming from the other side of the door.

" How long are you going to pace in front of the door? The floor will soon deplete if you continue to do so, Don't stand there and come in."

The young butler fumbled a bit, red color adorned his face because of shyness and embarrassment, he took a breath and entered the room.

" Master esteemed guests had arrived," the young man respectfully reported to the fairly handsome young man in front of him, who was intensely staring at the different images in his terminal and was murmuring numbers as he studied those images.

" Hmm, get them, " without looking up, the Young man instructed his butler.

Bowing his head in a respectful manner the butler left.

" Sigh, it would be difficult," the young man messaged between his eyebrows in tiredness.

You could see the tiredness in his face, he looked quite pale but it doesn't diminish his beauty in a bit. Those peach blossom eyes filled with pride and haughtiness alongside a deep mysterious aura give him the vibe of an immortal being.

Just as he was messaging his forehead thinking about the solution to the problem, he heard a series of footsteps striding in his direction. He instantly straightened himself and looked towards the closed door.

" Knock, master,"

" Get in," hearing his master's instruction, the young butler leads the guests in.

"Mr Aries," Eugene and Hawk greet the young man with great respect despite his young age. Their wives soon followed them, greeting him.

" Mr Eugene and Mr Hawk don't have to be so courteous, just treat me as a young brother with no big formalities, please have a seat," Aries greeted and gestured to them to take a seat.

" Jeevan, go and prepare some tea and snacks for our esteemed guest," looking at his young butler Jeevan, Aries instructed him.

Jeevan tactically nodded his head in understanding.

" You should have some speculation when I suddenly asked you to meet me," without beating around the bush Aries asked the question.

" We have some but we don't know if we are right or not," Hawk answered.

They did think the matter for this person to contact them must be related to their son but they weren't fully sure either.

" You don't have to be unsure, It is indeed related to Lucas and Adrian's life," Aries confirmed their thoughts.

They looked at the young man with great focus, not wanting to miss even a single word he was about to speak after all it was related to their son.

" If I am correct right now both Adrian and Lucas must be unconscious," Aries stated.

" Umm, Lucas was admitted to hospital he fainted and just when I ended our call Adrian too fainted," Eugene nodded but he still didn't completely divulge the truth.

A soft chuckle escapes Aries's lips," brother Eugene doesn't have to play a mind game with me, I know Lucas is dying and if this continues he may not live to see tomorrow's sunrise."

" You say if this continues? Does this mean there is still a chance to save him, Mr Aries please tell me if you could save him then I would give you anything You want," Olivia hastily begged.

She would give anything they wanted as long as someone came up with the idea to save her son. Eugene, Hawk and Alex were equally shocked to hear the news.

She was about to kneel but Aries quickly came forward to hold her, " Mrs Evans as the mistress of the Evans family you don't have to beg me. We help 3 families because they help us when we need it and it is the promise made by our Great grandfather to show his gratitude. And as filial piety to our ancestors, we will continue to fulfill the promise."

Eugene took the hold of his wife from Aries and made her seat holding her hands tightly.

" 10 years ago I told you the destinies of two boys were tangled with each other, Didn't I?" going back to his seat Aries solemnly asked.

How can they forget?

When they were worried sick about Lucas not gaining consciousness it was this fella in front of them, who suggested letting two children meet one another.

At that time this person in front of him did say that the life of their sons was tangled with each other and it will bring them good and bad things.

Early in the 5th morning of their birth, they went to Hemsworth's estate to try but to their disappointment, Lucas still didn't gain his consciousness, however, to their surprise as soon as they came back Lucas opened his eyes.

Remembering that they nodded their heads.

Aries opens his terminal and shows the images of planets which he was observing just before they arrived," If you remember clearly at that time I said they will bring some fortunes and misfortunes to each other. I had expected it to happen later but it seems some variable happened to make the situation arrive earlier...haa."

" Are you saying that being together is bad for them...." Alex instantly understood the meaning behind Aries.

" Not entirely but it is at the moment," Aries nodded his head.

" Their fate is playing a cruel game to them, they can't be together but they can't be without each other too."

" Please speak human for us to understand," Hawk frustratedly looked at Aries.

" If they stay together they will bring harm to each other and if they go their separate way then they will bring harm to the entire world," Aries disclosed little truth.

What he didn't say was if they go entirely separate ways they would bring great destruction to the world. And if they get together they would begin a new era for human beings.

" What should we do then? Just separating them would be enough to keep them alive?" Olivia asked curiosity and worry.

" No and yes," Aries nodded, then shook his head.

" Can you please give us a recessive answer! How can a solution be both true and false huh!" Hawk glared at the young man.