He knew among them, that he was the crazy one, not Adrian.

"I know what I am doing and I also know your love for me won't let you hurt me. You might be excessive sometimes but I know, you know your limit quite well. I also know you will rather suppress yourself and suffocate than do anything to me, just like what you did just then," Lucas patted Adrian's back, raising his head and he gave a cheeky smile.

"You... I can't handle your confidence," Adrian helplessly smiled and kissed his beloved sweetly and deeply.

It was full of love and devotion. Lucas's heart trembled in delight, excitement and a little bit of fear.

Fear of losing the man's lovely and adoring gaze, those eyes full of love and desire for him makes him satisfied and fulfilled. Adrian's gentle yet rough hands caressing his face made him sigh in delight. He never wanted to let it go and he won't.

Whoever dares to try to separate them like in their past life, won't be spared.