## This chapter is dedicated to Weesh for being the top fan of the story and supporting it.

"If guests didn't have any tickets at the moment, the ticket will be deducted once they win one. All the games played by the couples will be entered in their entry ticket number as data even all the forms you have filled are placed under your entry ticket number, which makes it easy for the management team to handle many things. So even if one didn't have a ticket they can still play the game and if they lose the management team will handle it," The young man explains clearly.

"Oh," Lucas was impressed. It was quite an effective measure.

"Guest, do you have any other queries if not then shall we start the game?" the young man courteously asked.

"No, I don't have any and thank you for the explanation. We shall begin," Lucas shook his head as he thanked the young man and gestured for him to start.