"I would like to press charge against Mr Darcy," Lucas suddenly spoke startling everyone in the room.

"Ms Tiara, I don't care how you deal with your incompetent and selfish husband and I don't care whether you support him or not and it surely didn't change my decision. No matter how you try to defend him it doesn't change the fact that he dares to criticise us because of our sexuality and according to J country's law, he will be severely punished," Lucas nonchalantly stated.

He can see Tiara was a responsible person and also knew she wasn't spoking because she didn't want to outright speak ill of her husband's action but that wasn't the right decision. As a partner, she had to be strong and should criticise her partner when they are wrong otherwise they would make many other irresponsible mistakes.

And if you don't criticise your partner one or two times in the crowd they won't understand their mistake and feel ashamed.