"What duty? Have you ever fulfilled your duty, you human s**t?" It was Lucas who spoke before Tiara could move to Darcy.

Darcy was stumped for words. He couldn't find a single word to refute Lucas's words. 

"SO what? She is my wife. She had to do anything and everything to keep me happy. It is her duty!" Darcy yelled.

Everyone in the room couldn't help but frown and at the same time, they couldn't help but feel pity for Tiara.

Tiara was confused being subjected to their stare. She couldn't understand why they are feeling pity for her. For her, Darcy's words may sound harsh, but it is the ultimate truth, she had grown up hearing.

"You human piece of garbage, in which century are you in for you to think a woman's duty is to please her husband unilaterally? The relationship goes both ways, and the things you expect from her, have you ever done anything for her? Let's not talk about other things, have you ever appreciated her hard work?" Lucas asked.