Tactical Run...

"What..." Lieutenant Mckay utters in complete confusion as she enters the room, spotting the three prisoners having what looked like a party, complete with drinks, snacks, and games... They hadn't been let out, and that television they were using looked thousands of years out of date!... Not only that, HOW DID THEY GET A T.V IN HERE!?

"Lieutenant, want to join us? I'm on a winning streak right now." Michael offers, prompting Megumin to reluctantly present her controller.


The woman squeezes the bridge of her nose, takes a deep breath, and steps out of the room for a couple minutes. When she returns her face is firmed into one of complete neutrality, one that hopefully wouldn't be breached by the trio's BS...

"So, is that a yes or no?" Michael presses, only to have the controller snatched out of his hand and thrown into the floor, shattering it into a million plastic pieces.



"You should've just said so in the first place." Michael shrugs as he sits back in his chair, a grin plastered across his face.


The lieutenant shakes her head, forcing the thought of shooting Michael in the face from her mind, "What is your objective for being here, and what are those strange weapons!"

Michael nods sagely, "We are from the future!" he announces while ignoring Saeko and Megumin's crappy attempts to not laugh at the situation, "We have come to help save humanity from an abominable species known as the Flood!"


The lieutenant stares at him for a couple seconds before drawing her pistol and shooting Michael in the face... Only to stand there in shock as the squashed bullet bounces off of his forehead and hits the floor next to her boot. "W-hat..."

"Fuuutuuuree...." Michael waves his hands 'mysteriously' before shaking his head and laughing as Saeko jabs him in the side with the tip of her boot, "Alright, alright, I'll get serious... We're not from the future but we have technology that lets us peer into it. We can't say much but rest assured, we're here to help."


"Look, we could've left this place whenever we wanted." Michael says, standing up and storing all of his passions into his book. Then, he walks to the locked door and forces it open with strength alone, literally bending and tearing the metal under the Lieutenant's horrified eyes.

"So, why don't you tell me where Master Chief has gone so we can start saving your asses?" he asks while ignoring the many Assault Rifles aimed at his back, courtesy of the soldiers guarding the cell.



"That was a really stupid idea..." Saeko loudly complains as the trio quickly flees from the military compound with a small army of UNSC marines chasing them.

"It was going fine until I mentioned Master Chief!"

"Oh yeah, why would they be suspicious when you mention their greatest asset and most famous war hero? It isn't like they already thought we were spies!"

Michael telekinetically grabs a volley of missiles and throws them at a nearby cliff, "Yeah, well, my speeches usually work!"

"No, they don't! You just think they do because everyone's too scared to object!" Megumin hotly retorts as she casts a physical ward which blocks some Warthog machine gunfire.

Michael shakes his head, "Whatever, fuck these stick-up-the-ass-douchebags!" he spits as he grabs both girls under his arms and blasts away with his Frostfire wings, leaving the soldiers all dumbly watching him leave...

"They might've just let us go if you hadn't stormed the base..." Megumin mutters as the wind bats at her hair.

"Oh? You wanted me to leave your weapons there? I know Saeko would've cut them all to pieces if I suggested it."

"Whatever... Where are we going now?" the explosion-girl asks as they fly high in the air, scanning the land around them for something of interest.

"I was thinking to persuade some Covenant soldiers to tell us where they're holding Captain Keys, I'm pretty sure that's where we'll find the flood...? If not that then the Containment Facility."

"You're the boss..."


A Sangheili elite manning the turret aboard a Phantom checks his weapon for the Nth time today, eagerly awaiting the moment he could thrust himself into honourable combat again. The battle between the Covenant and the heretics had raged on the Installation for many days now, yet the pathetic species had somehow fended off all of their attacks...

Thuza 'Kutam thought most of their failures could lay solely on the shoulders of the Demon, the armoured creature that tore apart whole armies on its own without a shred of hesitation, even the cowards who surrendered weren't spared.

The worst part was that it was clear the Demon COULD die, only that it didn't. It could bleed, but for every drop of blood they took from it, it took many gallons in return.

"I will be the one to claim the Demon's head, my glory will live on for generations." Thuza growls under his breath, but gets overheard by a nearby Unggoy grunt, "Ha! If you think you can kill that guy you've got another thing comin'! He's crazy scary! Not like you guy-s..." the grunt pauses at the Elite glares daggers at it.

"I'll... Just be on my way-... Hey, what's that over there?" it pauses, pointing towards the sky in the direction Thuza should have been keeping watch in.

"Hmm? Looks like a white fireball? Like Wraith shot-... No, wait, more like a bird?"

Thuza's eyes widen as he focuses on the thing, quickly opening fire on it when he realises what it was. "FLYING HERETICS!"

"OH NO! THEY'VE GROWN WINGS AND ASCENDED!" the grunt fearfully shouts as it runs around in a circle with no real objective aside from simply panicking.