Chapter 27

INSTEAD of spending the night alone, now Rio and Dinda were arguing in the apartment. The atmosphere was really far from expected.

Rio threw the paper he was holding. He was very upset when he found out what was written on it.

"I said cancel the contract! I don't like it when you become a bikini model like that, imagine how many pairs of eyes can see you!" Rio rubbed his mane roughly and on his hips looked at Dinda full of anger.

"I won't cancel it. The manager and I have agreed! My name will be tarnished if I suddenly cancel it, Rio you don't know it's from a famous brand . It will increase my popularity. I won't cancel it."

" What the fuck?! Don't you want to obey my orders?! It's for your own good too Mina! You're my future wife!" Rio pushed Dinda's shoulder so hard that the body fell to the floor.

"Rio! What are you doing?! Why are you being so rude to me!" Dinda tried to stand up but her body was immediately restrained, both sides of her cheeks were tightly cupped by Rio's hands.

"I don't like it when people don't listen to me, think about it! I told you to do that because I don't want the people I love to have to show their bodies in public." Rio let go of his hand roughly. "I'm going back home, I'm not staying the night."

"Rio! Rio!" Dinda kept calling Rio who was now out of his apartment.





The atmosphere in the house was quiet because everyone had fallen asleep, Rio, who was drunk, walked unsteadily and felt his head feel like it was going to burst. His eyes were dim, his gaze unfocused. He drank too much at the bar he used to go to. He just had to call Rizal to pick him up before he lost consciousness completely. He felt hurt because Dinda, his lover did not want to do what he wanted. Plus the contract he thought made no sense at all.


Rio immediately locked the door as he just entered his room. The heat of the room temperature and his body still under the influence of alcohol made him take off his shirt and throw it on the floor. His wistful eyes stared at Laras who was now asleep on the bed.

Rio smiled a little.

He walked closer to Laras who was still sleeping. In the dim light of the nightlight and the still hazy gaze he smiled even wider because he could still see that sweet face after all.

"Sweet, I missed you." Rio caressed the face slowly making small movements from Laras. "Dear." He said softly and then kissed her lips softly, but the long time he held it made a deep addiction to him.

He kissed and began to dare to crush those thick lips, really addictive. Rio felt a feeling and passion that was getting hotter on his body. His right hand began to caress even occasionally gently tugging at the honey-chocolate mane.

Feeling something wet on his lips made Laras wake up because something moved above him. She was very surprised when she saw a different Rio on top of her body, she spontaneously moved restlessly and tried to push Rio's body but her hand was immediately held on top of Laras's head.

"Mmmhhhh..." Laras kept strafing but Rio ignored her.

"Shhhhhh...don't try to fight Laras. I don't like it."


Rio slapped Laras's cheek, a sob and cry suddenly sounded and it made Rio furious.

"Rio are you drunk?"

Rio did not hear, he was now busy opening the buckle he was wearing. Within a few seconds the belt had shifted to Laras's wrist, Rio tied it tightly so Laras couldn't move freely.

"A-Rio...what are you going to do?" Laras's voice started to tremble.

"What am I going to do? More precisely what are we going to do, come on, we're husband and wife, right? So it's natural." Rio chuckled, and it made Laras shudder in horror.

Laras shook her head noisily.

"I don't want Rio! Help anyone."

"Tchh... you talk a lot." This time Rio reached into his trouser pocket and took his handkerchief there. The handkerchief he took out he used to gag Laras's mouth.

"Ukukh...hukk eekkkh." Laras became difficult to breathe and her throat immediately choked as if he wanted to throw up due to the handkerchief that went too deep to touch the roof of her mouth.

"Shhhhhhh if you're like this you look so much cuter." Rio lifted the large shirt worn by Laras so that it now showed Her big belly and chest with two lumps that made Rio squint even more with lustful glints.

" K nock anyone inside?" Rio gently tapped Laras's protruding thigh as if it was the entrance. "You miss daddy don't you? Hmmm...want to meet? I think it will be fun."

"Hmm___hmmm." Laras shook her head noisily, her body was shaking. No longer. She tried to kick Rio's body from above him, but what power her legs had now been suppressed by Rio's feet.

She could see now Rio was spitting and he rubbed his with his hand which he was spitting on.

"Ahhh...hssss. Looks like we don't need to warm up." Rio smirked, he forced the rubber pants that Laras was wearing until they came off and he threw them everywhere.

"Let's start babe".




"I don't know, it turns out that you can be very, very useful Laras."

Laras didn't answer he preferred to curl up and now distance herself from Rio's body who was still kneeling behind Her.

"Why are you afraid? Come here." Rio crawled slowly towards Laras, he removed the belt that still tied Laras's hands.

"Does it hurt?."

Laras didn't answer.

"Forgive me." Rio lifted both wrists and he kissed them softly. Laras's honey-chocolate mane he stroked. "I am really, really sorry." Again he kissed Laras's eyelids which were already wet with tears mixed with sweat.

"Thank you for this evening."

Rio smiled Laras then turned to take the boxer who was at the end of the bed.

"I'm going to bed first." Rio lay down and pulled the blanket over him.

On the other hand Laras was still sobbing, she bit the back of her hand to hold back all the feelings he was feeling now. She looked at her stomach which was now covered again by the shirt she was wearing then Laras rubbed it gently.

"Forgive, Mom."