Chapter 28

Laras felt like her whole body was crushed at each end, her wrists were red from the tight binding of the cloth. Her heart felt sick again, it hurt to get treatment like that again from Rio. Even her eyes are tired from crying, or maybe now her eyes look very swollen, therefore now she will compress them with warm water so that they are not too swollen.

"Laras why are you up so early?"


Someone lightly touched her shoulder startling her and dropped the bowl containing the warm water she wanted to use.

"Oh my gosh Laras!" the person shouted and immediately pulled Laras's body gently so as not to get hit by the shards that were scattered on the floor.

"R-Reza?" she said timidly when she saw Reza kneeling down to pick up the shard. She shouldn't have met Reza now.

"Sorry Laras, did I startle you ___?" Reza lowered his voice, even this time it was Laras who surprised Himself. Surprised by the condition of Laras's face to be exact. He immediately got up and held Laras's shoulders, he scanned every inch of Laras's body. "Who did it?" he continued by continuing to stare at Laras's face, even glancing at the tiny neck and wrist.

His breath began to rush, his emotions suddenly reached the crown. How come. Who is not angry to see Laras's current condition, her cheeks are red with slight bruises, the corners of the lips are injured, and the two swollen eyes are even still teary.

"Don't tell me this is Rio's doing?"

"Reza..." Laras gently touched Reza's arm that was still holding her, trying to quell Reza anger that seemed ready to explode. She knew what Reza would do after this.

"What did he do to you last night? Tell me? Tell me everything." Reza raised his right hand and touched Laras's injured lip.

"Sshhh..." Laras winced unintentionally because the wound still stings she hasn't healed yet.

"You bastard Rio." Reza's patience is gone, he has called Rio without any frills Brother, it indicates Reza is on the verge of patience. He removed his hand from Laras's shoulder and face. He turned and walked quickly to the second floor. Where else, if not to Rio's room.

"Reza what are you going to do?!" Laras tried to catch up and stop Reza who was already showing anger on his face.

"Of course to teach that bastard a lesson."

"Reza doesn't have to. This will make things worse, last night Rio was just unconscious. I don't want you and Rio to fight just because of me. Please." Laras grabbed one of Reza's wrists but Reza quickly let go.

"No, he's really gone too far this time. I won't let him."


Reza kicked Rio's room door violently making the door slam and hit the wall. Rio who heard the noise immediately woke up with his head still a little sore. He could barely see Reza standing near the door with his fists on either side of his body.

"What's wrong? Why are you making such a fuss this morning?" he asked with his feet on the floor and his head shaking to bring his consciousness together.

"You bastard, you can relax like that after what you did?!" Reza walked into the room, without any warning Reza pulled Rio's body to his feet and immediately hit Rio's right jaw with one punch.


"Bastard! What are you doing?!" Rio pushed Reza's body in front of him.

"What am I doing? Of course I'm beating you damn!" Reza hit Rio's jaw again hard, causing Rio's body to stagger backwards.

"Insolent! You bastard! Dog!" Rio, who was also provoked, now cursed and began to return punches from his brother.



Rio hit Reza's face no less, he didn't hesitate to kick Reza's stomach until his brother's body hit the drawer behind him. He rubbed the corners of his lips that were slightly throbbing and bleeding a little. He still didn't understand why his little brother suddenly came in and punched him in the face.

Reza, who didn't accept it, immediately got up and straightened his head again, but this time Rio was able to hold him back.

"HEY! REZA!" Rio shouted at his brother.


Like deafness from mounting emotions, Reza without stopping at all, continued to beat his brother. This time Rio's shin that he kicked made his brother immediately kneel down with one leg bent.


Reza returned to his knees and managed to hit Rio's chin making the body fall flat on the floor due to loss of balance.

"I'm not satisfied if I haven't beaten you to a pulp, even to the point of having to go to the hospital. I don't care!"

Side of Laras.

Laras is very surprised to see Reza and Rio who are now fighting and teaching each other. She didn't know what to do, moreover there was no Steven, Fania or Mr. Adi at home because the three of them were visiting Steven mother's house.

With the panic that hit Her. She jogged towards Rafi's room holding her stomach, her body shaking with fear.




Laras banged on Rafi's door really hard hoping Rafi would hear her.


Laras tried to scream for Rafi to wake up from his sleep.

"Hikss___Rafi, please wake up. Rafi."




Laras was still trying to wake Rafi up with a cry she couldn't hold back anymore, she was really scared. She was afraid that something bad would happen to both Reza and Rio. Her body took a few steps back when she heard the sound of a lock opening from inside. I'm grateful.

"Sister what's wrong?" Rafi who was still not fully conscious opened the door from the inside by rubbing his eyes because of the sleepiness he still felt.

"Rafi! Good thing you're awake__ hiks... hurry up."

Rafi who saw Laras crying in a very bad condition instantly gathered his life and glared.

"Gosh! sister what are you doing? Who made you like this?" Rafi started to look panicked. He circulated his gaze afraid of a stranger breaking into the house, he thought.

"Hiks... Rafi go to my room, quickly."

"What do you mean sister?"

"Hurry up...Hiks." Laras rubbed her eyes roughly and immediately pulled Rafi's hand to quickly go to her room, where Rio and Reza were still beating each other up. She bit her inner lip to hold back a sob as she carried Rafi with her.

Her footsteps stopped for a moment as she and Rafi arrived at the doorway. Laras sobbed even more when he saw Reza sitting on Rio's stomach and kept hitting that face.

"Reza!" Rafi ran in and immediately pulled Reza's body on top of Rio.

"Let go of me! I'm not done beating this bastard yet, what are you bastard Laras!"

Rafi who didn't understand the situation could only try to stop one of his Brother's from running amok.

"Reza never mind you don't see Rio face is battered like that?"

"No, I still want to beat him. What he did to Laras is much worse than this!"

"Reza, gosh!" Rafi was overwhelmed because Reza couldn't stay still.

Reza raised his hand again ready to beat Rio, but once again his body was restrained.

"let go of me, Rafi!"

"Akh!" Reza's movements stopped when he heard not Rafi's moaning voice, but Laras's voice. And it turns out that Laras is trying to stop him.

"LARAS!" said Reza and at the same time.

Rio who felt his face throb in pain ignored the pain when he saw Laras who was sitting on the floor because she was getting pushed by Reza. He looked very worried.

"Keep your hands off Laras!" Reza pushed Rio's body on Laras's left side.

Rio was silent, not because he didn't want to fight Reza. Instead, he was silent when he saw Laras's condition, which didn't look fine. Is that why Reza got mad? But he remembers absolutely nothing. Unless he's feeling or maybe he's dreaming. He is kissing someone's body.

"Laras?". He said slowly.