Chapter 32

Laras enters her room which is on the second floor, the weather is already cold and Laras needs to change her clothes, Reza is also out because he has something to do with his friends. With a languid look and a lot of thoughts she walked slowly up the stairs one by one to the second floor. She was still thinking about her unresolved problem with Rio, not to mention the conversation she had with Reza just now.

She didn't think that Reza had feelings for her, Laras didn't want to think about it, but every word Reza said just now kept spinning around in her head.

Her hand held the door knob and then he turned and pushed it open, Laras frowned when she saw the very dark atmosphere of the room with the curtains closed. The feeling was that the curtain was still open when she left, or that Lin's aunt had come in here to do some cleaning. She thought.


Laras pressed the light button to get lighting because it was already night. When she turned around, she was surprised to see Rio's presence sitting on the bed with his chin supported by his hands.

"Rio, when are you coming back? Why didn't I know about it?"

Rio didn't answer. He was still looking ahead with his lips still closed, his gaze slightly vacant.

"Rio's?" called Laras walking over, Rio still didn't answer. He just sat quietly without looking at Laras who was now near him.

"you need something? I prepared dinner." Laras tried to get Rio to talk.

"No need." Rio replied curtly.

"you want to clean up first?" Laras asked again.

"I don't need that."

"Then what do you need?"

This time Rio glanced at Laras who was standing near him. He lifted one hand and suddenly pulled Laras slowly so he sat on the bed with her.

"Rio what are you doing?" asked Laras a little scared to see Rio's gaze on her.

There was no answer at all, he just looked at Laras with an inexplicable look. There was a look of anger and hatred there, but also a gaze of reverence, perhaps. His mouth tightly shut, he scanned that sweet face intensely, every inch. Rio didn't want to miss it.

"No wonder Reza is crazy about you." The corner of Rio's lips lifted slightly.

Laras frowned.

"Rio what do you mean? Don't scare me."

He raised his right hand, tucked it between Laras's hair and ear slowly towards the back of her head. Rio, who was silent again, only slowly moved his face forward, while Laras who was a little panicked slowly also made a retreat, as if he knew what was going to happen. Rio's hand that had been behind her head held Laras's movement.

Rio was getting closer, just as those lips were about to touch Laras's plum lips . Laras dodged by turning her face to look the other way, Rio who got such a response was silent for a moment.

"You refused a kiss from your husband while accepting a kiss from your brother-in-law?" Rio asked with his face lowered, a wry smile now adorning his face.

"I don't understand with you mean Rio".

"Are you really that stupid? Or have you been pretending to be stupid all this time? Is this how you play behind my back?" he asked removing his hand behind Laras's head.

Laras frowned.

"Play? I think there are people who are better at that than me. Rio." Laras replied casually even though there was a little fear in it, but the sentence managed to make Rio dumbfounded.

"And now you dare to fight me?"

"You've crossed your line Rio. Should I just shut up?"

"Tch___ you're getting bold. Oww___ I know. Are you daring to fight me now that you've got a lot of support? Or are you planning to run away with my Brother?" Rio pinched Laras's cheeks with one hand then he let go and pushed Laras's shoulder.

"I don't really understand what you're saying Rio."

"You're not as innocent as I thought. Mommy is right, you are a very cunning girl." Rio stood up and walked away towards the bedroom door. "I'll live in my apartment, have fun with my brother."


Rio closed the door to his room very hard.

Laras took a deep breath.

"Be patient, honey, it's going to be a while. This isn't the right time." She looked at her bulging belly with a gentle smile, soon it would be flattened because her little baby was going out to see the world.




Rio slammed the door to his apartment again. He didn't like it, really didn't like Laras's attitude now. He threw his jacket on the floor. Even the table that was just standing still he pushed with his feet until it shifted.

He is very angry.

"Shit! Why should I even think about it! Damn Laras! How dare you, who are you?! You're just a stranger, and why is Reza so quick to get caught up in Laras's tricks. Stupid! Damn brother, you two are insolent."


Rio lay on his mattress, he ruffled his hair roughly with a growl of displeasure. His jaw clenched, his mind in disarray. Once again she came to her apartment feeling chaotic, the last time he got the feeling like when he was forced to marry Laras.

He exhale roughly.

"Damn bastard"

In a state that is still a mess, suddenly his cell phone vibrated. He took it in his trouser pocket. Dinda.

Rio rolled his eyes lazily. He tossed the phone on the other side of the bed, preferring to stare at the ceiling of the apartment struggling with his own thoughts.

His cell phone vibrated again and it was Dinda who called him again.

He took the cell phone back, this time he pressed the power button on his cellphone until his cellphone turned off completely. Rio didn't want to be bothered by anyone.

"Look at Laras Angelina. I won't let you leave the Thomas family residence."