Chapter 31

Rio parked his car in the front yard because he was too lazy to put it back in the garage, after dropping Dinda back to her apartment, Rio rushed home because he was a little worried about Laras's condition. He looked at the gift he bought for Laras before he got home, what's in it? A set of silver rings and bracelets. This is an apology to Laras for leaving Her at the tulip garden this afternoon.

He quickly got out of the car with the velvet box in his right hand. He hoped Laras would like it. He took his steps slowly, hoping that no one would hear his return. The house is still quiet, maybe because his parents haven't come back from another city either.

"Why is it so quiet? Has Laras not come home yet?" Rio rushed to the second floor to his room, and it turned out that Laras wasn't there, Rio frowned in confusion. He started to panic a little, he went back down to the first floor with his cell phone in his left hand. He pressed Laras's number, but unlucky. Only the operator's response could be heard.

Not wanting to think badly, Rio walked towards the kitchen. Who knew Laras was there, but then again, there was no one in the kitchen area. "Where are you Laras?" he said getting angry and a little frustrated.

His gaze is now towards the connecting door to the backyard because what he sees is the glass door is now wide open, Rio who is still thinking slowly walks towards the door.

His rarity suddenly stopped when he was about to reach the doorway, his eyes widened perfectly when he saw the scene not far from him. Precisely on a private park bench belonging to his family. His hands unconsciously squeezed the velvet box he was holding, his jaw clenched in a perfect expression of fury.

He turned and walked back toward the kitchen. He looked back at the velvet box in his hand, not long after. Rio threw the box in the trash.

Rio really did not expect to see the scene in front of his eyes.

Rio just saw Reza and Laras kissing.




1 hour before.

Reza and Laras had arrived at the Thomas family's residence, the car that Reza used he immediately put in the trunk because he saw Laras who was already asleep in the passenger seat, Reza thought it would be easier to take Laras. He slowly opened the car door and got out of there, not forgetting to take Laras with him.

Slowly his strong hands gently released the safe belt that ran between his chest and the buckle. He tucked his right hand under Laras's knee, while his left hand was behind his upper back. Reza carefully carried Laras's body which was still fast asleep in his arms, he justified Laras's position a little so that his head rested on his chest.

"Ngg~ Reza?" Laras moved restlessly in Reza's arms just as they had just entered, Laras who slowly got up rubbed her round eyes slowly.

"Want to come down?"

Laras nodded.

Reza finally put Laras down by holding onto his body because he knew that Laras's consciousness had not fully returned.

"I am thirsty"

"Want me to get you a drink?"

Laras nodded again.

"Then wait in the living room, I'll get you some water."

Laras shook her head.


"I'm waiting in the back garden, I want to get some wind. Suddenly I want to go there, may I?"

Reza smiled with his right hand stroking Laras's mane.

"Okay, then go. I'll follow, I'll get you a drink later."

For the last time Laras nodded.




Laras looked at the evening sky that almost touched the night, the twilight that he saw in the sky made his feelings calmer, since last night he had thought of everything. She had to make a bold move to get out of here, and her husband didn't accept her with open arms, after all. She had to break the rope. The ropes related to Rio.

"Here's your drink." Reza came with a glass of drink in his hand which was handed to Laras.

"Thank you." Laras took it, gulping slowly the water made er throat and lips wet.

"I knew Rio would do that to you." Reza sat down near Laras following the direction of the sweet man's gaze who was still staring at the twilight sky.

"I knew too, I expected it. So I'm not surprised either." She said calmly.

"How do you know?"

"Just guessing, or it's instinct. Worse, I've memorized Rio attitude towards me."

Reza turned his gaze to Laras, he stared at the sweet face. A face that looks tired but Laras tries to hide it. It only took Laras's feelings to explode, but once again Laras was able to hold it in. Laras is really strong.

"Laras, may i asked you question?"

"About what?"

"Why did you keep the baby? You were raped. And the child was not wanted, why?"

Laras chuckled slowly.

"Why are you laughing?" Reza asked again.

"I got that question twice today. From Rio and this time from you. And my answer will also be the same. This baby is innocent even though it came at the wrong time, I love him so much. What if this baby will become a world savior someday ?" Laras chuckled again.


"Yes." Laras turned to look at Reza, her body instantly froze when her eyes met eyes with Reza's who were now looking at her deeply and warmly.

Reza raised his right hand and caught Laras's cheek with one hand. The gazes of the two of them really made time seem to stop, the twilight breeze and the rays of the sun made the atmosphere very beautiful.

Slowly but surely Reza continued to move his face closer to Laras's face which seemed silent without any sign of rejection. The eyeballs trembled slightly, revealing a vague uneasiness that Reza could see. But that didn't stop her from backing down, her brain said stop but her body resisted vehemently.

"Da-vid?" Laras stammered.

And Laras's voice calling his name instantly woke him up. Reza immediately backed away.

"Forgive me." Reza rubbed his face roughly, "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay Reza, I'm guilty too." Laras said looking down.

"Laras I like you. No. I love you. And I'm sorry." Reza said spontaneously, his body immediately leaned on the park bench. "I know I'm being very presumptuous, but. My feelings are real."

Laras squeezed the glass she was holding.

"Please forget what I just did to you, but remember. Don't walk away from me just because you know how I feel."


Reza smiled and went back to enjoying the view of the sky starting to get dark. At least he had expressed his feelings.

I'm sorry Reza