
As I had my long shower, I decided to wear my lingerie tonight. I went and locked the room door. I don't want to be found embarrassed when anyone opens up my door to wake me up. I opened up the window when I'm done dressing up. The moon was shining so brightly as I was mesmerized by the beauty. Out of a sudden, I saw a shooting star. It was pretty as I spot three shooting stars. I went to off the light of the room, the moment I decide to on my table light, I realized the light of the moon was beautiful enough. It really lit up my room with its brightness.

Out of a sudden, a chill breeze enter my room and I went looking up the sky. It seems cloudy and I felt that it will rain tonight. "I hope that you'll stop raining tomorrow morning, as I need to go into the woods", I muttered to myself.