His Real

The moment when I opened up my eyes, he was gone. I smiled to myself knowing it was a fantasy. As I jumped out of the bed, remembered that we are going out to the woods today. I had a quick shower and pulled on my pants with my long sleeve tee. As I jogged down the stairs and realize that Nana was already awake.

"Nana, you're awake so early", I went towards and gave her a warm hug.

She smiled "Yes, you guys are ready to go into the forest? The weather seems to be fine today", Nana added.

I nod my head.

"You ready sunshine?", Chatan comes out from nowhere followed by Chayton

"Do I need to bring anything in?", I questioned them

Chayton shook " Nops, we got everything….you just have to follow us"

I hugged Nana once again and followed the boys. I felt a joy in my heart as I ran towards the woods giggling. The smell of the trees and nature makes me into peace.

"Seems you really enjoy being in the woods", Chatan told as he smiled.