A Vampire's love

Adrian POV:

The moment I saw the boy, son of Kimimela, he is grown up. I still remember that she had shown his pictures to me. Both of us became close after some time. We had a plan to make a peaceful world together. We trust that vampires and werewolves could live in peace. I had ruled my kingdom for almost 50 years. Even I am older, but my strength and features do remain like a 25-year-old adult.

My kingdom is in Venice, but many of our kind had roamed all over the world. They have the freedom to settle down where they wish to. If there is any issue, they should refer back to Venice.

Kimimela was a brave woman that I had known. She approached me first, even she knew that vampires and werewolves had rivals for decades.

"I would like to live in a world where vampires and werewolves could live together in peace. Shall we?", her euphonious voice echoed in the large hall.

"How could that be possible", I questioned her back.