
"Are you going to tell me why do you need my blood?", his voice brings me back.

The boy was staring sharp. He had the eyes of Kimimela. His deep blue eyes remind me of her. I can assure you that he still did not trust me fully. He hasn't let his guard down. The wolf within him seems to attack in no time. Just one wrong step, and it's there to attack! How am I going to explain that I am his godfather?

For heaven's sake. Ma 'belle! Why did you give me this situation? I thought everything is done from the moment you were gone forever. I was in relief that I don't have to face all these. Yet, here I am!

"Well, the seal is made of both drops of blood. Vampires had sacrificed their blood too. But none of us died, as for our immortality. Some of the werewolves had gone, sacrificed everything, to create the seal.", I sighed heavily.

"And Kimimela was…"

"Enough!!", he interrupts.

"The only reason I am here is that I have you…", the boy adds.