So the first thing I should do is figure out how to escape james pondered as he started walking to the door while everyone around him ignored him, 'wait why is everyone ignoring me? System whats happening?'
*Answer, host is currently being cloaked by his magic causing everyone around him to ignore the host
*Answer, the host wanted to sneak out so the hosts skills [Mage Sage] allows the user immense talent in all forms of magic, allowing the host to use magic like an exstension of oneself
'Woah, sweet, everything is going to be a lot easier now' james thought as he started walking the streets of london trying to find the leaky cauldron. After about an hour james finally stumbles upon the pub, 'wow its more decrepit than it showed in the movies, now how do I get into diagon ally'
*Answer to host, the host is still disguised, it would be suggested to just follow someone through
'Thanks system, you seem more sentient than before'
*Answer to host, I was created to help guide you only, the system is not sentient or has been given sentience yet
'Yet?!' james exclaims while wondering the pub before seeing an opening and speeding full force after them. Wow looks just as bad as in the movie, still magical mind you, but why is everything crooked and dirty? Do they not have osha or anything? finally noticing a pure white building and the threatening poem next to the front door, james walks in only to find goblins bordering each side of the hall with one high up in the center, so the only logical thing to do is walk up to the tall goblin.
"Hello Sir, I was wondering if I could take an inheritance test?"
Gornuk'hmm, weird people arn't even 1/100th as respectfull as this kid' "sure, 10 galleons"
(as a explanation for what happens next, the discord wish already has a pre set up inventory with items for convienience, and the fact that said discord actually exists since I put any ideas I have in it)
taking 10 galleons from his back up(inventory) james hands it to gornuk "here"
Gornuk"Griphook take this young wizard for an inheritance test"
Griphook"Come with me kid"
"Good day sir"
Griphook" here just add 2 drops of blood onto this paper"
"sure" james says as he makes a small slit in his index finger, suddenly the parchment glows a bright golden before dimming back down, griphook quickly grabs the paper before gaining a stupefied exspression and handing it to james
----(sorry for info dump)
Inheritance Test-
Name: James Ford
Father:Edward Le-fay
Mother:Vivian Emrys
Direct Ancestor Paternal Side: Morgana Le-Fay
Direct Ancestor Maternal Side: Merlin Emrys
All claimable Heirships:
Emrys-heir by blood- full claim
Assets:Wizengamot seat, assorted properties, vault assets(like art and gems and stuff), Galleons-23,948,385,938, Merlins Staff, Emrys Lordship, Emrys Castle
Le Fay-heir by blood- full claim
Asssets:Wizengamot seat(earned by marriage), assorted properties, vault assets, Galleons-28,933,858,849(Le Fay has slightly more money since it was plundered during her time as a dark lord), Morganas Wand, Le-Fay Lordship, Le-Fay Castle
Pendragon-heir by blood- full claim
Assets:Wizengamot seat, Kingship, All of Britians land, assorted seperated properties, all royal properties, vault assets, Galleons-502,384,859,938, Excalibur, Caliburn, Clarent, Durandal, Ascalon, Avalon, Lordship of House Pendragon, Castle Pendragon, Camelot
Slytherin-heir by magic- full claim
Assets:Wizengamot Seat, 25% of hogwarts, Lordship of House slytherin, assorted properties, Slytherin Manor, Salazars Basilisk Wand, vault assets, Galleons-12,942,583,142
Gryffindor-heir by magic- full claim
Assets:Wizengamot seat, 25% of hogwarts, Lordship of House Gryffindor, The sword of gryffindor, assorted vault assets, Galleons-15,392,948,294(more than salazar since godric was quite the fighter and thus conquered many things)
Black-heir by magic- partial claim(due to sirius, harry, nymphadora, and draco, howerver, since they are either too young or indisposed or were cast out they do not currently have claim to the house)
Assets-Wizengamot seat, Seat on Hogwarts board of governors, Lordship of House Black, assorted properties, Grimmuald place, assort vault contents, Galleons-150,938,842
Potter-heir by magic- partial claim
Assets-Wizengamot seat, Seat on Hogwarts board of governors, Lordship of House Potter, assorted properties, Potter manor, assorted vault contents, Galleons-123,488,848
Peverell-heir by magic- full claim
Assets-Wizengamot Seat, Seat on Hogwarts board of governors, Lordship of House peverell, assorted properites, Peverell Manor, Antioch manor, Ignotus Manor, Cadmus Manor, assorted vault assets, Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak, Ressurection Stone(since the 3 hallows are part of the house they can be summoned back by magic), Galleons-253,489,294
--Distant Houses with possible claimability(I won't use these just to mention it)
Gaunt-Related by Blood-Possible claim
(different between full claim is that the host is either directly the heir, or the house has another heir however the heir is indisposed or cannot claim the house heirship/lordship currently)
'sweet, I already knew I about emrys and le-fay, however, I didn't expect the rest of them'
"So uh, griphook can I claim heirship of these houses?"
Griphook"Of course, due to Emrys, Pendragon, and Le-Fay primarily you gain immediate emancipation and lordship over all houses that are currently claimable, this is due to an old law created by Merlin and Arthur to protect their assets in case of things like their houses dying on the magical side. Do you wish to claim them all now?"
"What houses can I currently claim? also can this not be disclosed?"
Griphook"Aside from the wizengamot seats and hogwarts seats, which no one would check, there will be no disclosure of what happens here inless you request it. As for which houses you can claim, currently you can gain lordship of all the direct claim houses so Emrys, Le-Fay, Pendragon, Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Peverell. House Black and Potter still currently have Scions but do not have any viable lord currently, so you can claim them but you will need to deal with the contracts and the rest of the family members."
"Wait, what contracts?"
Griphook"Currently house black has 3 marriage contracts active, none of these apply to you but would need to be taken care of since they have been breached, namely the slave marriage contracts between lestrange and Malfoy have been breached and the one for Andromeda was never fulfilled due to her being disowned."
"so what was breached?"
Griphook"The lestrange contract stated a requirement of at least 2 male heirs, as none were born the contract states that House Lestranges voting rights and all their vault contents are now yours, as for malfoy they never conceived a second heir and the contract states that Lucious was planning on usurping the current heirs of house black, meaning 50% of their vault contents and 25% of their assets will belong to you, both of these breaches also allow you to nullify their marriages."