"So is there any other contracts, and can you set up a meeting for all related parties?"
Griphook" I can only do that if you claim the house lordship"
"Well then I james ford, hereby claim Lordship of Houses Emrys, Pendragon, Le-Fay, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Black, Potter, and Peverell" Magic starts to vibrate happily through the air as a blinding flash of acceptance blinds the rooms current inhabitants, as griphook and James try to ignore that griphook moves on to say
Griphook"Very well, I will get your lord rings to you before you leave, I will also set up a meeting for 5 days from now if that works for you?"
"Yes, 5 days will be fine, now about the other contracts?"
Griphook"Well aside from those of house black, theres a current marriage contract between House Potter and House Weasley created by Harry Potters magical Guardian Albus too many names Dumbledore, House Pendragon has a leasing contract with the goblins and the ministry for the land that the ministry and gringotts sit on, assorted stock contracts in various companies from various houses, and thats about it."
"Is the marriage contract valid"
Griphook"It was yes, however, since you are now Lord Potter, the contract is null and void as you have become Harry Potters current Magical Guardian as the Lord of House Potter, making dumbeldores signature null and void, however, I would recomend contacting harry as he is one of your last remaining family members."
"Can you set up a meeting and grab him in the afternoon on the same day as the other meeting?"
Griphook" I can try yes, is there anything else you would like to know?"
"Is there any requiements of me as a Lord of more than one house?
Griphook"Generally you would need a wife for each family wether you choose or the ministry does, however, as Lord Emrys, Pendragon, Le-Fay you are not required to find a wife and the ministry cannot force you as Lord Merlin created the wizengamot which is what the ministry is based from, meaning as Lord of House Emrys you hold a sort of sovereignty over the british magical government, It only really allows you to ignore laws placing requirements on houses and a couple other things, still usefull non the less."
"Great, I would rather not be forced into a marriage, I think that is all for today, can I get my lord rings?"(and I don't know how to write romance, so it may or may not happen, no idea. If I happen to actually put some romance in the fanfic, then let me know what women or men from harry potter you would want james to be with, and if you want a harem)
Griphook"I will get them for you, please give me a minute"