Griphook"I have the lord rings, however, I must apologise as when I was looking for the rings I found 5 extra contracts dated back to nearly the begining of each house."
"What? What are the contracts? Why was this only found now?"
Griphook"Like I said my lord, they are very old contracts dating back to nearly the start of the respective houses they are tied to, for the contracts they are marriage contracts that only took effect in the last few months"
"Why did they only activate recently?"
Griphook"Apologies my lord but, I have no idea."
'System, why did they only activate recently?"
*Answer to host, The contracts were created via author bullshi ^cough^ I mean by the god that reincarnated you here.
'Do you know why?'
*Answer, The god mentioned while creating them something about a shitty author that should ask things sooner among other obsenities not PG enough
'Author? am I in some sh*tty half-*ssed webnovel or something?'
(Shut up you nerd)
"What do the contracts say?"
Griphook"Well all 5 are marriage contracts for Houses:Bones, Greengrass, Lovegood, and Davis"
"So who are the current heirs?
Griphook"Currently you are engaged to Susan Bones, Daphnee Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Luna Lovegood, and Tracey Davis.(sorry ive been spelling her name wrong I think?) The contracts stipulate that if no male heir exists then the wifes house will be shared with the husband so you, however, in a divorce the ex wife would keep their respective house(im not a monster after all)."
"I guess thats good enough" 'at least I don't have to worry about finding a wife, just making sure they don't betray me, wait'
"Griphook, are there any clauses in the contract I should be aware of? also what houses are they contracted to?"
Griphook"Not really, the contract unlike most does not make them a slave to you and gives them the option for divorce, its very humane considering other contracts, as for which houses the current heiresses and the contracted houses are: Daphnee-Slytherin, Susan-Potter, Luna-Gryffindor, Tracey-Slytherin, Astoria-Peverell"(lmk if the matchings matter to you, i also forgot that all the girls have to be contracted to a house, might need to take out a loan of bullshitting myself a few extra houses lol, this also means Hermione and fleur will be either lady pendragon or le-fay, or emrys)
"Right, so what happens to their houses?"
Griphook"like I said you will share ownership of them half and half inless they divorce you, also a note to mention is that they must first be married to you for 5 years before they can divorce you, I said humane compared to other contracts, anyways, you will be lord of their respective houses gaining their wizengamot votes, vaults, properties, everything again inless they divorce you."
"Thats good I suppose anyways the rings?"
Griphook"Ah yes they're right here" he says as he pulls out 8 black metalic boxes with hooks keeping them closed
Griphook"Pick whichever one you want to start off with first"
"Lets start with..."
(cliff kun again, and due to recent changes I get another free chapter Yahoo)
(Make sure to read author note, also should I gener bend harry like a lot of fanfics do and add him to our pokemon collection, or keep him male but make him gay and add em? Also should harry be a water type? Also I have a polls chapter in the Aux chap for extra voting stuff, but I will try romance, but it might be very bland)