"I wan't to visit the Pendragon vault first" 'I really wan't to get whatever weapons in the vault into babylon, even though I probably have most of them, say system how does gate of babylon work?

*Answer, the gate of babylon has many functions, the main one being that it collects all treasures within every world you visit, which means you will have 2 versions of things like the deathly hallows, since they belong to house peverell so you own them, and a version currently exists within gate of babylon aswell

'Sweet, I will have so many weapons then, so I should have all the founders objects too, do those contain modlywarts soul too?'

*Answer, no gate of babylons ability to take 100% accurate copy of the worlds treasures excludes souls added unnaturaly, so a sword that gains a sword spirit would keep it within babylon, but a horcrux would not stay a horcrux within babylon

'well thats unfortunate since I can't absorb double then, wait'

"Griphook before we go, a couple of things if you have time"

Griphook"What do you need, My Lord?"

"Can we visit the Lestrange vault first, and set up the renovation of my properties?"

Griphook"Of course my lord, however, it will be very exspensive"

"Money doesn't appear to be an issue"

Griphook"What properties do you wan't to be renovated and what do you wan't added?"

"I want all the houses I currently own renovated, including shops, ignore the land the ministry and any governmental building sits on. I also wan't your best runes and protections on all of them keyed to the lord rings"

Griphook"That can be done, however, it will cost around 100,000,000 galleons"

"Thats fine, take it from the Le-Fay vault" 'Holy Moly, I was expecting a lot but thats what, like 2 trillion usd?!! How much do I really own, hot dang'

Griphook"Great, I will have the contract ready for you after visiting your vaults, is there anything else?"

"Yes, can you find people to rent most of the shops I own?"

Griphook"Sure I will get that done as well"

"Good, now onto the lestrange vault"

(A/N OMG MY F***ING COMPUTER RANDOMLY SHUT OFF, I lost like half the chapter which included going to the lestrange vault and getting the hufflepuff cup and all that crap, CRAP. let this be a reminder to all of you, save everything and save it often, every 5 minutes if you need to. I will give you guys an extra long chapter tomorrow containing whatever I can remember, and at least 3 more vaults, so 4 vault explorations tomorrow, then the next chapter will be finishing off the vaults and heading back to the orphanage, sorry yall, see ya tomorrow)