G Dangit

(sorry all I was able to get done both before my computer died again since I don't know where my coord is, and its quite long, next chapter will finish it off I promise)

(ima try to write this to the best of what I can remember, on the schedule today is, Lestrange Vault, Pendragon Vault, Emrys Vault, and maybe Le-Fay vault, next chapter will be a timeskip to when senior dumb-old-ork makes a appearance, since there wont be anything interesting in the last of the vaults aside from random armor, weapons, and money)

As james sets his sights on scariest thing to come off of merlins hairy left buttcheek, the cart of terror

-Small time skip brought to you by James gasping for breath on the stone floor-

Griphook"This is the lestrange vault, Just put your Lord ring into the indent on the door and come back when your done"

"Alright" James speedily answers as he shoves the face of his ring into the indent causing the door to shine brightly for a split second before shrieking as it slowly opens

'Say system, does absorbing an item destroy it?'

*Answer, No, however, any magical properties once held by the object will be lost. For example, helga hufflepuffs cup with loose all magical abilities along with moldy shorts soul, however, the cup will still exist

'I guess thats better than nothing'

As james finishes up his talk with the system and walks inside the vault, all he sees is various trinkets in a pile with helga hufflepuffs cup on top of a shelf and galleons piled around

'System can you absorb the cup from here?'

*Answer. Yes host the cup can be absorbed from here, the left over cup will be stored in gate of babylon

'System absorb it then, please'

*Of course host, would the host like to see what was gained by absorbing the cup?

'Of course, system show me what I obtained from the cup'

*Notice. Host has gained the skill Purification(Lvl:1), Duplication(Lvl:1), Dark Lord +Lvl:5

*Notice. Due to Hosts skill [Dark Lord(Lvl:30)] the host has gained the Sub-Skill [Superior Darkness Affinity(Lvl:1)-Gives the host superior affinity with all darkness and the possibly of creating the skill [Darkness Manipulation]

'Son of a merlins hairy nutsack, I just need to level those skills up a lot along with my magical core and Im golden, im not far off from being able to slap dumbeldores saggy buttcheeck to kingdom come'

'System is there anything else of value left in this vault?

*Answer. Nothing left in the vault can be absorbed or is worth anything compared to what you already have

'Great then lets go' James thinks to himself as he walks back to griphook

"Onto the pendragon vault!"

Griphook"Yes My Lord"

-Another timeskip brought to you by a even more nightmarish cart ride-

In front of james lays 3 giant golden gates with 3 altars (similiar to the altar thing dumbledore has to drink that potion from in canon to get the horcrux)

"So which vault is which?"

Griphook"The vault on the left is Pendragon, in the middle is Emrys, and on the right is Le-Fay"

"So what do I need to do?"

Griphook"Just put a drop of blood into the indent then press the respective lord ring into the indent after putting the blood in, don't worry it won't stain the ring or anything"

James nodding to griphook first walks to the pendragon altar and bites his index finger then puts a drop of blood in the indent before pressing the pendragon lord ring into the indent causing a bright flash of light and a warm feeling to wash over james before he disappears into the lobby of the vault.

'Holy crap, system what happened?'

*Answer. After being accepted by the pendragon family magic the host was teleported into the vault lobby

'Holy moly' james thinks while observing what appears to be the entrance hall of a castle as he walks forward to find a throne room surrounded by a seemingly infinite amount of gold, galleons, gems, weapons, armor, and more with 2 swords stabbed onto each side of the throne with