James further sees 3 more swords and a sheath placed neatly around the throne
'System, can you observe those swords?'
*Answer. Yes
—-Info dump—--
(i would say excalibur and its other versions represent the supposed immortality of kingship for an explanation of the swords powers)
-Excalibur:The sword in the stone, the sword which chooses the king, said to be the responsibility of power. (powers, in DXD terms it would be holy power, in harry potter terms it would just be magic, however very strong light magic)
-Caliburn: Idk the evil version of excalibur or just excalibur 2.0, the sword of immortal promised victory(powers, slightly weaker light magic, ability to slightly manipulate time, the sword is considered to give the wielder cursed immortality so time would be apt)
-Clarent: another version of excalibur, denoting kingship and heirship to the throne
(had no idea that excalibur was also called caliburn and clarent, but I guess its just the 3 versions of what excalibur represents. Victory, Right to rule, and sovereignty)
(powers, slightly weaker light magic, slight space manipulation for the sovereignty over the land reigned over by the chosen king)
-Durandal:the sword of destruction given to gods favored, paladin roland
(powers, ability to destroy almost anything, light magic)
-Ascalon: A spear/sword used by Saint George to slay an untold number of dragons, making its way to arthur which he used against the dragons tamed by morgana
(powers, strengthened attack against dragons, light magic)
-Avalon:the scabbard of the 3 swords of kingship (excalibur, clarent, caliburn), said to give eternal life and healing.(powers, high speed regeneration, slow time for a short period, small teleportation)
'Sweet, thats more than I thought I was going to get, system can you store them into gb? (gate of babylon, GB)'
*Answer, Yes
'System do you know how I get out of here?'
*Answer, Press the indent on the gate
'Alright' heading back to the front gate at the entrance lobby and finding the indent, james is once more covered by a warm glow before being transported outside again. Repeating the same process to get into the pendragon vault, james enters the Le-Fay and Emrys vault, which aside from taking merlins staff and morganas' wand and their grimoires, nothing special aside from entire libraries full of books was left.
Heading back to griphook james decides to ask
"Can you get all my family members here 1 hour apart tomorrow morning?"
Griphook"I will do my best, just to confirm I will be grabbing harry potter, andromeda, nymphadora and ted tonks?"
"Yes, also can I ask what my privileges are with owning 50% of hogwarts?"
Griphook"Generally you would need over 50% to make any drastic changes, however, due to ravenclaw and hufflepuff being dead completely, only by finding their inheritance would their votes matter, since you are the 50% owner you are technically Lord Hogwarts. You also control hogwarts board of governors as their is only 5 seats, 3 of which belong to your houses the other 2 being from the board of education and a elected parent."
(luscious was on the board of governors since he claimed regent of the seat via house black which had a seat, at least thats my excuse)
After a slightly calmer uphill ride back to gringotts main floor
"I will be back tomorrow griphook"
Griphook"Please wait a second my lord, director ragnarok would like to reinstate the lease for the land gringotts is on"
Ragnarok"Good to see you young lord, I would like to set up a new lease"
"Don't worry about it Director, you can continue using the land as long as 1% of gringotts profits go to the pendragon vault each year, the lease wont be canceled as long as you continue to put the profits in and can be canceled by you by not putting any profits into the vault, I wont cancel the lease as I have no use for this land"
Ragnarok"Very well, can you sign here then put a imprint of the pendragon lord ring here."
"Sure, goodbye ragnarok, griphook"
Ragnarok/Griphook"Goodbye my lord"
—--TimeSkip, 1 day—---