Hello all, I was wondering what you think would be the best way to write james proficiency with spells would be. I was thinking something like
Charms(Lvl:1 1/100)
Transfiguration(Lvl:1 1/100)
but if you have a better way you want me to write it, please let me know.
I was also thinking maybe
Dark Magic(Grand Master)
but I dont know what would be easier to read or understand for you all.
Or maybe rank it based on gowarts grade levels, so a complete newbie would have say Charms(Troll)
while dumbelldouche would have say
Update-also do yall want stuff seperated, like animagus levels?
Thanks for your help!
Also quick sidenote, rons a dick, the rest of the weasley family is fine, only reason for the previous marriage contract was due to bumblemores manipulations, in this Im wanting him to be slightly senile but still a good person deep down and have him realise that, if you have any thoughts or ideas please let me know, and sorry for constantly adding more to this chapter.