"Very well Griphook, I will see you another time, Thank you for your help. Remember the plan, make sure to get him there"
Griphook"I will see to it my lord"
–Time skip brought to you by the apparition voms—-
As james arrives are the dreary halls of the Ministry of Magic taking note of the black brick that it would appear the entire ministry is made from, he walks forward to the wand check with his potter lord ring out and approaches.
Wand Check lady(WCL)"Hi could I please quickly check your wand before you continue into the ministry?"
'You would think that since I own this building I would be able to do whatever I wan't, though I do guess no one knows yet.'
"Sure" James smiles before handing his basilisk wand over to the women
WCL"Alright here you go, you can continue on."
"Would you happen to know how to get to the wizengamot?"
WCL"Just continue straight to elevator 5 before pressing 3-W, should get you to the wizengamot entry chambers"
WCL' Weird, would have thought a Lord like him would know where the chambers are, whatever'
James continuing on trying not to make any mistake in finding the right way to go, best be careful as opposed to flying all over the ministry like a headless dementor, finally getting through the treacherous sideways elevator and arriving at the wizengamot lord entry hall, james meets another check in desk, this time it would appear to be to check if you are actually a lord. Approaching the bench, bench lady says,
Check In Lady(CL):I haven't seen you here before, What house are you from? Please show me your ring."
"Hello, I am a new lord, I have a few houses but the only one that matters is House Potter" james says while showing his potter lord ring to the women, keeping the rest hidden for now
CL"Please out your ring here on this device right here" The lady says while pulling out what looks like a piece of stone with a fist indent along with a ring
James doing what the women says puts his fist into the stone causing it to glow slightly before returning to normal
CL"Sorry for the check, just had to make sure that the ring was real, you may continue to the seat which has the potter crest on it, it should be on the top row to the left"
"Thank you, I will be going now"