Apology Chapter Numero Dos

(Context: In this Minister Fudge is actually kinda competent and mainly listens to Amelia Bones, so he is a goodish minister, some plot points and the type of minister has been borrowed from a great fanfic called "Harry Crow by Khaled_Sellami", a fanfic where harry potter was raised as a goblin, overall love the fanfic which is why im stealing some points, also you may see some similarities to "High Human in crossed worlds- A HP X DXD FIC By DonnutHermit" another great fanfic with a pre-established MC)

James carefully walks into the wizengamot chamber trying to avoid being seen before taking a seat on the Potter Seat, noticing the fact that only ½ of the wizengamot is currently here and some extra hereditary seats that belong to james, as james doesn't have 8 different butts he can't sit in them all but still has the voting right of all the seats

-Finally time for the wizengamot to start with all the current members, that are well alive, being seated the Chief Warlock Albus DUMBeldore stands up

Albus"Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen of the wizengamot, this emergency meeting has been called by minister fudge and as a request for a meeting was put in for a similar time it will all be rolled into one, since the minister called the meeting I will hand it over to him before we move onto the second meeting."

Minister Fudge(MF)"Good morning esteemed wizengamot members, I have called this meeting today as my ministries attention was brought to a matter of utmost importance, well multiple, first though Harry Potter our beloved Boy-Who-Lived has a godfather and that godfather is sirius black, however, he was not given a trial, so I would like the wizengamot to try Sirius Black under veritaserum to get the boy some answers for when he returns"

The once quiet wizengamot now embroiled in chaos is forced to quiet down when dumbledore slams his gavel down allowing sirius black to come in and be set down,

Auror tonks further feeds sirius 3 drops of the serum before backing away, allowing sirius to gain a glazed look in his eye.

(james used harry, the potter will, and the goblins to get this to happen)

Amelia(A)"What is your name?"

Sirius(S)"Sirius Orion Black"

A"What is your birthday?"

S"November 3, 1959"

A"now that the control questions have been answered, you can see we have Sirius Black here, now onto the real questioning. Sirius Black, Did you betray the potters?"

S"No, I was a distraction"

A"Who betrayed the potters then?"

S"Peter Pettigrew, he was the secret keeper"

A"Why were you caught and not him?"

S"He cut his own finger off after sending a blasting charm before charming me with a laughter charm and disapparting"

A"Now to the wizengamot, does anyone have any questions?"

Lord Greengrass"Did you serve the Dark Lord?"


A"No one else? Then I believe that is the end of the questioning, please administer the antidote Auror Tonks"

As tonks goes to do that the minister once again stands

Fudge"As you can see Sirius Black is innocent, I declare him not guilty and further remove peter pettigrews' order of merlin and put out a order for his arrest."

Before even giving the wizengamot a chance to simmer down the minister continues

Fudge"Now onto the next topic, we currently have a few new lords in the wizengamot, would all new lords please step forwards and introduce themselves"

After Fudge says this, all the wizengamot members are looking around in confusion not seeing anyone new, leaving only james to stand up and make his way to the floor as no one else has gotten up

Fudge"Hello young lad, would you mind introducing yourself and why you are here?"

"I am James Ford, I am here because I am the lord of a few houses."

Fudge"Would you please tell us your lordships so we can get everything settled"

"sure, I am Lord James Ford, Lord of House..."