No Kidney Stones Please(bonus chapter)

"I am Lord James Ford, Lord of Houses Emrys, Pendragon, Le-Fay, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Black, Potter, Peverell"

Fudge"Would you mind doing a magic vow, just to affirm that you are?"

"I Lord James Ford Promise on my life and magic that I am lord of all the aforementioned houses, so I say, So mote it be. Lumos"

As james finishes with a sigh all surrounding wizengamot members including the now free sirius black have faces oddly similar to ghost face, pale and long. Minister fudge being the one to end the stupefied silence with

Fudge"well now that its proven you have those houses, how are you lord to them with your age?" fudge stutters through

"Due to a law created by Lord Merlin Emrys, as the last of my house for House Emrys, Pendragon, and Le-Fay I have been emancipated which also means all the contracts for my houses have been activated. It would seem that the ministry owes me a lot of rent for the years its been using my land though"

Fudge who nows looks like he did a taco bell in his pants responds with,

Fudge"Ah, Can we discuss this at a later date?"

"Of course minister, the goblins will have sent a list of requirements to void some of the debt you are in to me."

Fudge"Aha ha right, well my ministry welcomes the heir of Merlin to the wizengamot would you like to say anything before the meeting is closed up?"

"A couple things, Good Greetings to the members of the wizengamot, its been nice to meet you and work together in the future as I now own Hogwarts i'm sure I will meet your kids. Finally, I have some contracts pertaining to houses Greengrass, Bones, Lovegood, and Davies. If their respective families could meet with me at gringotts in a few hours, I would be delighted."

Fudge"Well I believe that is all for the meeting, chief warlock the rest is yours"

Albus"Well it has certainly been a interesting meeting, if we could meet at a later date young james, to talk about hogwarts as you now own it?"

"We can meet at Hogwarts Chief Warlock, as I will be attending in a month or so."

Albus"Very well, if there is any final words anyone would like to say?"

Lady Bones"I have two questions, first what did you call my house for?"

"Sorry I didn't catch your name, but it is very simple, 5 of my houses currently have marriage contracts that I would like to discuss with the pertinent families"

Lady Bones"Apologies Lord Ford, I am Amelia Bones, it would appear I will be seeing you at gringotts very soon then. My last question is, as you are Lord Potter, I would presume you know where Harry Potter is?"

"I do not know why you inquire about him, but yes, I made my Aunt Andromeda Tonks, harrys' guardian as I am the same age as him and thought it would be better for him to have her as his guardian. May I ask why you asked Lady Bones?"

Lady Bones"I was close to his father and was one of his godmothers along with Alice Longbottom"

"If you would like to meet him, we can arrange a meeting for that to happen"

Lady Bones"I would like that, Thank you for answering my questions"

"It was no issue"

Albus"If that is all, I hereby declare this emergency meeting over"

Hearing Albus end the meeting everyone starts shuffling out, james being first to speed way to avoid a certain meddling old goat, a toad, and a chameleon. (albus, umbitch, fudge)

James finally making it out of the ministry and taking a portkey back to the private room in gringotts arrives to see Sirius Black somehow already there.

(Thanks again for all your infinity stones if yall can reach 100 you get another 2 bonus chapters




If we can get to 200 before march then yall get 5 bonus chapters which will be distributed in an extra chapter a day, so you will get 2 chapters a day for 5 days.

Thanks again all, hope you enjoy the chapter, I have recently had the idea that a stockpile of chapters would make it easier for me to, well, make sure you guys have chapters, So I will try and do that which means I may miss some chapters since between that and me getting over covid, I have been inundated with a pile of work, so sorry In advance Ima try and stockpile 2 weeks worth of chapters so I can get you chapters and schoolwork but no promises.

also sorry for all the cliff hangers, I decide a chapter is finished as long as its over 400 words and whenever I feel like ending a chapter, which just so happens to end with all cliff hangers, so uh yep sorry.

Have a great weekend everyone!)