Info Dump (sorry this chapter is mainly to show you the MCs current status)

—-Time Skip—-

Well its been about a month, the hogwarts semester should be starting in about another month, which means someone should be coming to take me to diagon alley, probably, considering dumbledore wanted to speak to me, or I will just get my letter, anyways, The past month I've been living at Black Manor with sirius and the tonks family. It has been weird with sirius getting more childish as he recovers and nymphadora sneaking around me. All in all I have been working hard this last month, As I don't want to reveal anything to those living in the black manor, I have been commuting the Tintagel Castle since it has the fourth heaviest wards out of all my properties behind Dinas Emrys(Merlins castle), Emrys Manor, and Camelot itself. Curious enough Camelot actually has an entire city around it filled with various creatures, more of that later though, I have been practicing Magic and the Sword at Tintagel castle, over last month I was primarily practicing magic with The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, my wands, and Arthurs' swords along with the sword of gryffindor, Which went extremely well as I can use most spells within The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, and can use some wandless magic. Maybe I should just show you my status

'System Status please'


Name:James Ford(as the story progresses in the harry potter arc, more last names will technically be added but won't really be used after the MC leaves the world)

Bloodlines:Pendragon(by blood), Le Fay(by blood), Emrys(by blood), Gryffindor(by magic), Slytherin(by magic), Potter(by magic), Black(by magic), Peverell(by magic)

Magic Power: Core 5

Body Ranking:D-

Soulbound Items:Gate of Babylon(the things inside pretty much), Excalibur, Clarent, Durandal, Ascalon, Caliburn, Avalon, Merlins Staff, Morganas Wand, Salazars Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown

Powers(will be added and changed as the story progresses)(currently sealed powers won't be listed unless pertinent since I haven't used my author power to BS them in):

*Parseltongue/Dragon Tongue(Lvl:Max)-The ability to speak to all reptiles inherited from Salazar Slytherin and Merlin Emrys

*Metamorphmagus(Lvl:Max)-Inherited from the black family, the ability to change ones physical appearance generally without limit

*Dark Lord(Lvl:30)-The MC is the inheritor of Morgana Le-Fay giving the MC great talent with all dark arts and a resistance to their corrosive powers

*Innate Talent(Lvl:Max)- One of the Hosts wishes is to have the highest Talent in everything possible

*Great Body(Lvl:Max)- One of the MCs wishes is to be highly resistant to all mental attacks, spiritual attacks, poisons, and dark magic. This skill also gives great body strength and learning capacity along with the ability to regenerate severed limbs excluding the head. This has caused all the MCs magic power to be siphoned to make the body strong enough to handle the powers.

*Sword Sage(Lvl:55)- Between a nerfed wish and inheritance of Arthur Pendragon and Godric Gryffindor, the user has the ability to master all sword techniques and the way of the sword 87% faster and increases the bodies ability to use the Way of the Sword and various techniques by 145%(New +5)

*Mage Sage(Lvl:57)- Between another nerfed wish and the inheritance of Merlin Emrys, Morgana Le-Fay, and Salazar Slytherin, the user gains immense talent in all magical subjects and will have an easier time comprehending all magic. The user gains a 180% boost to magic learning capacity, 250% boost to occlumency, a 190% increase in assimilation of all magic, and a affinity with all elements(New +7)

(Gate of Babylon(Lvl:Max)-Gilgamesh's gate of babylon, has all weapons and treasures of fate and all universes the MC resides in, so it gains a completely accurate 1 to 1 full copy of every treasure within harry potter, however, its not mentioned since there is not much in harry potter aside from the deathly hallows.

Purification(Lvl:2)-The ability to purify anything up to 6 times, for example the MC could purify his bloodline 6 times and get possibly the same purity bloodline as the first ancestor of said bloodline

Duplication(Lvl:2)-The ability to duplicate anything up to 5 times, for example the host can duplicate an attribute of excalibur 5 times or duplicate excalibur 6 times giving him 6 more excaliburs

Occlumency/Legilimency(Lvl:5)-The ability to protect ones own mind, and to read others mind. Currently no one can read the Mcs mind, and the Mc can read the minds of people up to snapes level

Defense Against the Dark Arts(Lvl:3/100)-The ability to defend against dark arts, currently at the level of a third year

Charms(Lvl:4/100)-The MCs current ability in charms, currently at the level of fourth year

Transfiguration(Lvl:2/100)-The MCs current ability in Transfiguration, currently at the level of a second year

Potions(Lvl:5/100)-The MCs current ability in Potions, currently at the level of a fifth year

Herbology(Lvl:4/100)-The MCs current ability in Herbology, includes the understanding of how to use and raise plants, as well as the knowledge of different plants. Currently at the level of a fourth year

History of Magic(Lvl:1/100)-The MCs current ability in History of Magic(Britian) is at the level of a 5th year, however in respect to the whole world the MC only is the same as a first year from Mahoutokoro or Uagadou

Astronomy(Lvl:12/100)-The MCs current ability in astronomy, the MC has been studying rituals and thus currently has knowledge of astronomy similar to someone with a masters in the subject

Flying(Lvl:5/100)-The MCs current flying ability, currently at the level of your average 5th year

Alchemy(Lvl:1/100)-The MCs current ability in alchemy, currently at the level of an apprentice (nicholas flamel would have Alchemy(Lvl:70/100) )

Rituals(Lvl:2/100)-The MCs current ability in ritual magic, the MC can perform simple strength boosting rituals, nothing like Horcrux creation yet

Dark Magic(Lvl:25)-The MCs current ability in dark magic, between this and the Dark Lord Skill, the MCs current Dark Magic ability almost rivals Voldemort(purely in dark magic)

(sorry for info dump)

'Sweet, By the time i'm done with hogwarts I will hopefully have everything almost maxed out'

Just as james was thinking this he hears a knock on his bedroom door in Black Manor

(GUYS, GIRLS, OTHERS, what house should james be in? I was thinking ravenclaw and having the MC get an inheritance to ensure the MC can't get disputed, but atm I could currently see the MC in any of the 4 houses, less Gryffindor and More Slytherin or Ravenclaw but idk, I will do whatever you want. OPTIONS





Emrys(Use Author Bullshit powers to put the MC into a House for Merlin, It would mainly have his bethrothed but also some people I wanna friend the MC with, but would limit his interactions with others)