"Come In"
Andromeda(A)"Hey james, Filius Flitwick is currently at the door to escort you to Diagon Alley!"
"Alright i'll be there in second, just let me get changed into something more presentable"
A"Ok, I will let him know you will down in a few minutes"
"Good Morning Professor Flitwick"
Flitwick(F)"Good Morning Lord Ford"
"Please just call me James Professor Flitwick, I will be in your class for the next 7 years"
F"I will call you James then, are you ready to go?"
"Yes I am ready to go Professor"
F"Please hold my hand then, we will be apparating to gringotts so you can withdraw any money you need before we go shopping, even though you already have a wand Ollivander seems to really want to make a wand for the descendant of Merlin himself so he is willing to give you a free custom wand"
"Very Well"
—One James with a very upset tummy later—--
"Good Morning griphook, I would like a bottomless pouch connected to the Pendragon vault if you could get that for me"
Griphook"I will get that for you My Lord, It will however cost a 4 galleons"
"Thats fine, just take it from the pendragon vault"
Griphook"Here is your pouch my lord"
"Thank you griphook, I will see you another day, Good Bye"
Griphook"Goodbye My Lord"
"Professor Flitwick, where will we be going first?"
F"We will go to ollivanders first then on to get the rest of your stuff"
Walking a short distance away from Gringotts James comes to see an old decrepit building with a sign that says Ollivanders, walking inside the creaky old wooden building to see not what you would expect. Normally ollivander would hide and scare the clients, however, what appeared before james was a very elated ollivander running all over the place, throwing assorted blocks of wood and various boxes of wand cores onto a long line of tables, ollivander finally noticing the arrival of his guests runs to James rapidly taking his hand and shaking it faster than the speed of light itself
Ollivander(O)"Its a pleasure to meet you Lord Emrys, It is truly a delight, please come with me to find a wood and core for your wand. You will be the second Lord Emrys my family has created a wand for, my Great Great Great Great Grandfather created a wand for Lord Merlin back in the day, now I can make one for his descendant, what a joyous day it is My Lord."
O"Please close your eyes and walk to any wood that catches your fancy"
"I feel multiple pulls"
O"Hoho, Please choose the ones that feel the strongest"
This results in james grabbing 2 blocks of wood before taking a third block of wood from his inventory
O"My Lord, what a strange and wonderful combination, my lord you chose…"
(new chapter released for my other novel, Origin Sign-In System as well, the chapters on that novel are unfortunatly shorter though)
(Just to add extra information, I left the divorce clause in case I get overwhelmed and need to kick spmeone out of the prospect harem, so what girls added might not be all the girls you want, or more than you want. aplogies for that.)