O"My Lord you chose, Elder wood, Yew wood, and the other wood I have no idea what it is, however, it seems to have a strong connection to you"
'System could you tell me a bit about the woods?'
Name: Elder Wood
Description: A dark black wood told to bring the user luck worse than death, however, in response to this the wood is said to give strength comparable to the bad luck. Elder Wood is extremely rare wood said to grow on the banks of the river of death and river styx, as such it takes on a very dark tone(I obviously made some of this up, since its not mentioned in harry potter from what I know very much)
Name: Yew Wood
Description: A bone white coloured wood, reputed to give its bearers powers over life and death. Yew wood comes from the yew tree said to grow on corpses, any wand made from yew will never leave its bearers side, and upon death the wand will grow into a new yew tree marking its masters grave and death, the wood takes on the darker connotations closer related to death.
Name:Yggdrasils Branch
Description:A dark green almost black wood from the Tree of Life and Worlds itself. The tree itself marked for connecting worlds and giving life to worlds, this wood portion comes from one of the main branches of yggdrasil itself. Any wand made from the wood will endow its user with strong life and light energy, and connects the user to the world tree itself. It is said to allow the user of a wand made from yggdrasil that has its full loyalty is able to connect to Heaven and Hell itself
'Sweet mother of Jörmungandr'
O"My Lord, lets choose your cores, then we can discuss runes and other things to enchant the wand with"
"Very Well"
O"please close your eyes and repeat the same process you did for the wood"
James once again repeats the same process finding 2 cores while also feeling a pull from his inventory once again, so he pulls out the items and hands them to Ollivander
O"Sweet Merlins hairy left testicle, My Lord your choices once again surprise me. Your wand corse are dementors middle finger bone, Unicorn Heart, and once again things I have no idea what they are or how you have them"
'System, please show me what the items are'
Name:Dementors Middle Finger Bone
Description: A bone from the middle finger of a dementor, one of vilest creatures in this world, taking obvious alignments to Death and Darkness but also a curious connection to various Elder Gods as the Dementor feeds on Happiness, regarding them as harbingers of Sadness and Madness aligning them with the elder gods.
Name:Unicorn Heart
Description:A string made from the septum of a unicorn heart, harvested from a willing unicorn after they died, takes the allignment of light, as unicorns are creatures of happiness
Name:Deaths Rib
Description:A piece of a rib from Death itself, the embodiment of the concept of Death, willingly given to make a wand for its new master, taking obvious alignments with death and imbued with the element of death itself
Name:Vitas Pinky Bone(very creative name, I know)
Description: A piece of the pinky of Vita, obvious light alignments, freely given to create a wand for his new master. Vita being the embodiment of Life of the Hosts ordverse has given a piece of his pinky to be useful to his master
O"So ignoring all of the insane items, what do you want added?'
"I want all the runes you have, I also want to add a few things to the etching potion, I also have some other runes I want added"
'System please show what I want added'
Name:Primordial Runes
Description: Runes used by Bob to create this ordverse given to the mc, impossibly to craft or etch by anyone other than the host, however, exceptions have been made to have them added to the hosts wand
Name:Worlds Blood
Description:Blood given by the will of the worlds body to become apart of her new masters wand
Name:Phoenix Blood
Description:Blood freely given by the Origin Phoenix(first phoenix of the MCs ordverse) for her new master
Name:Hosts Blood
Description:Blood given by the host to soulbound his new wand, containing the essence of the Ruler of the Ordverse and all the bloodlines currently held by the Host
O"This will undoubtedly be the most powerful wand to ever exist, give me a few hours and it should be done, don't worry everything will be used in the creation so nothing will be left over"
"Good, I will be back"
So james continues to go with master flitwick to buy everything else he needs, leaving the familiar until after Ollivander is done, as he walks back to ollivanders he thinks
'System, with this wand will I be able to do it?'
*Answer. Yes host, with this wand imbued with multiple concepts including space and the connection the hosts bloodline, the host can summon all horcruxes of Tom Riddle related to the hosts bloodline.
Currently the Host can summon 2 horcruxes: Gaunt Ring(Peverell), Salazar Slytherin's Locket(Slytherin). This leaves Tom's Diary and Ravenclaw's Diadem. (harry got fixed, the cup was absorbed, nagini wasn't created till voldemort came back) (I think that's all the horcruxes, correct me if im wrong
'Good Good, that perverted snake nose bastard will be gone soon, I just need to make sure grindelwald is gone, system since I can summon the gaunt ring, can I summon all the deathly hallows?"
*Answer. Yes host, Due to death being your subordinate as you are the ruler of the ordverse, and the deathly hallows being related to House Peverell, you can summon them along with anything else belonging to your house
'Great, Now lets go get my wand'
Finally arriving back at ollivanders you can see a knackered Ollivaders standing next to a long pure black wooden box with ribbons surrounding it
O"Welcome Back my lord, here is your wand. 17 inches, Yew and Elder wood with Unicorn heart and dementors finger core and blood bonded"
'System Analyze'
Name:Mundus Wand (creative I know lol, Mundus is google translated World into latin, Vita is google translated Life into latin)
Description:17 Inches. Yew, Yggdrasil, and Elder wood with Dementor Finger, Unicorn Heart, Deaths Rib, Vitas Pinky core. It takes the form of a void black wand with bumps reminiscent of knuckles(basically pitch black version of the elder wand) with a blood red stripe of runes between 2 of the bumps towards the handle which takes the form of a smooth white bone handle with a dragon head cap at the end (no idea how to find pics of this)
Embodies various concepts, mainly connected to dark, light, life, death, and space
Status:Currently In a box, Blood and Soul Bonded to the Host
'Good Good'
"Great work, thank you Ollivander, I would like to gift you this"
As james says this he hands ollivander a small bottle of liquid
O"Thank you My Lord, however, could I ask what it is?"
"It is the mythical water from the river styx, it should come in handy for various things, including the strengthening of wands made of elder wood."
O"This is truly too precious my lord, thank you very much. If you ever need anything from House Ollivander, we are at your service"
"Please its fine, no need for any of this, im simply repaying the favor you have done me by creating this wand. Thank you Ollivander, I will see you later as its getting late. Goodbye"
O"Goodbye My Lord"
Now onto the animal shopping, james arriving at a small petshop in knockturn alley after flitwick had a meeting, entrusting james to safely get back via portkey
Shop Lady(SP)"Good Afternoon sir, What would you like?"
"Im looking for a snake egg and an own"
SP"Your In luck, we recently got an egg that no one wants and a owl that will not go with anyone, perhaps you could take them"
The shady shop lady says well putting forward an egg in a velvet box and a pitch black own in a cage
'System, inspect please'
Name: Sapientia
Description: A pitch black Eurasian Eagle Owl, bestowed with great wisdom by the will of the world, a gift from the world to her master
Race:Basilisk Queen
Description:A dark green egg housing a snake ready for blood bonding, A gift from the will of the world, the serpent inside is the Basilisk Queen, Queen of all basilisks and snakes in general, the serpent inside is related to Elder Dragons and thus has bloodline suppression befitting of a Elder Dragon, able to suppress all serpents and dragon to do her bidding
—-- End
"Il take them"
This causes the shop lady to smirk
SP"1,000 galleons"
James then leaves a extremely shocked shop keeper with a new owl and snake, finally portkeying to Tintagel Castle james holds his finger allowing the owl to bite it before dropping 4 drops of blood onto the egg causing a dark green almost black shiny little snack to pop out of the egg
*Notice. Bounded Familiars: Sapienta, Basilisk Queen
"Your name little snake, from now own is Egle the Serpent Queen, and your name is already Sapienta by little own"
*Notice. You have named your familiars causing them to get stronger
Sapienta"Good Evening Father"
(HI ALL, extra long chapter, and well a third chapter today, I had inspiration and wanted to share it. Thank you all for reading and enjoy the extra chapter. I may take advantage of this, so I may not post a chapter tomorrow since well school.
ALSO Longest chapter Ive ever uploaded so yay
ALSO pt.2 THANK YOU all for almost 100,000 views and over 200 collections!)