—Time SKIP, one month)----
It is currently the first of september, and James just arrived at the hogwarts express finding a seat before sitting down and deciding to take a nap with Sapienta in a cage next to him and Egle in his lap when a knock and then the door alerted james' familiars that someone was coming in which turned out to be Harry Potter, coincidently Daphnee, Tracey, and Draco come in not too long after(D=daphnee, DR=draco, T=Tracey, H=Harry Potter)
DR"Get out mudbloods, we are taking this compartment."
D"Stop draco"
DR"What they're just a bunch of mudbloods, why are you being so uptight"
D"DRACO!, I said Stop, That is Heir Potter and Lord Ford"
DR"Oh harry potter is it, perhaps you should try and see yourself not falling into the wrong company such as that mudblood"
D"DRACO, I said he is Lord Ford, what is wrong with you."
DR"And who the hell is this Lord Ford, Ive never heard of a House Ford"
H"Well Lord Ford is my brother and Lord of multiple houses"
D"Draco you idiot, he is called Lord Ford because Ford is his last name, its shortened as he is Lord to many houses"
H"Yes, Lord Ford is Lord to Houses:Potter, Black, Pendragon, Emrys, Le-Fay, Peverell, Gryffindor, and Slytherin"
(this may look weird, when draco met james he was more concerned with the others in the room and his loss of house black, I also forgot to mention james was hiding his face with magic, similar to how he got out of the orphanage)
DR"What? He is Lord black, luckily he didn't hear me, he is my ticket back into House Black"
Moving away to less strenuous topics they group had a smooth ride until another knock at the door finally caused James to awake
"Come In" The reply saw the door open to a bushy brown haired witch and a slightly chubby wizard
"Ah so it's Heir Longbottom, What is it you require?"
Nevile(N)"Apologies sir, I do not know you're name"
"How rude of me, Heir Longbottom I am Lord Emrys among other houses"
N"Greetings Lord Emrys, Sorry for intruding I was curious if you saw a toad?"
"Unfortunatly Heir Longbottom I have not, however, I could find it for you if you give me its name"
N"His name is trevor"
"Accio trevor"
As soon as he finished saying this without any wand, a dark green toad flys through the cabin slapping neville in the face
"Apologies Heir Longbottom, I did not mean for that to happen"
N"Trevor! No worries Lord Emrys, thank you for your help"
"It is of no issue Heir Longbottom"
N"Please call me Neville, Lord Emrys"
"Very well Neville, you can call my James"
N"Thank you James"
Hermione finally unable to hold herself finally butts in
H"How did you do that? Isnt that a second year spell? How did you do it without a wand? What are you a Lord of? What is neville the heir of? OH im sorry, my name is Hermione Granger, you said your name was James right? Do you mind if I call you james? You can call me hermione if you want."
"Hermione, please one question at a time, and yes you can call me James"
H"Sorry james, I will make sure to ask you some questions later since we are almost at hogwarts according to what they said."
"Its fine hermione, please go ahead"
As she ran away with neville, james ignoring Dracos ranting drags him outside along with harry and says
"Ladies First" and closes the compartment door
Finally leaving the train and taking the boat across black lake ignoring the kid screaming as he was hoisted out of the water and placed in a boat by the lakes resident squid, they arrive in front of a door with a ancient witch standing in front looking down at them and says
Mcgonagall"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Deputy Headmistress, Tranfiguations Professor, and Head of House Gryffindor, The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts."
(copied from the book exactly)
As the decrepit witch now known as Mcgonagall(YAY MAGGIE SMITH!) brings the students to a chair with a decrepit hat sitting atop it. Their arrival saw it sing its usual song before Mcgonagall to call names, finally arriving at james she stutters a bit before saying
M"Lord James Ford Ne Pendragon-Emrys-Le Fay-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Peverell-Potter-Black"
The various last names causes an eruption of noises from various houses, the revelation of slytherin, Black, and Le-Fay brought gasps to House Slytherin, Pendragon to all the muggles, Emrys to all witches and wizards in the room, Gryffindor and Potter to House gryffindor, and as no one has heard of Peverell only the eldest wizards and witches that didn't know were surprised by it. After the round of gasps James walks to the sorting hat he says
"Candidus" causing the hat to shine in a bright light before turning into a brand new hat with no stitches, however, the use of wandless magic caused everyone to once more be surpirsed
(for spells, if not mentioned or I cant remember from the movies, im legit gonna translate the action into latin and use it as the spell, sorry)
Sorting Hat(SH)"Hm where to put you"
"No idea, do whatever you want"
SH"Hmm, you would do well in all, but I think you would fit best in…"
(Next chapter will reveal it, im between slytherin and ravenclaw, but hufflepuff is also a option, I mainly wanna make an excuse for the MC to get Lordship over another founder house, just to affirm that he has full ownership and no one can challenge it without challenging his Magically accepted lordship over 3 different ancient houses)
(Also no chapter tomorrow, ima use tomorrow for both school work and to think of ideas on how to improve my writing, which is why yall got 4 chapters today)
(sorry, also Happy 16,999 words! and happy 99,600 views!)
(sorry again, ALSO if you wanna support me join my p*treon at https://www.youtube.com/@markiplier and make sure to watch A Heist with Markiplier and In space with Markiplier, I also dont have a p*tron since, why would you wanna pay to support this lol, anyways Markiplier, Maggie Smith, gotta love them. adding this ruined my amazing word count of 69 so you have to watch at least 2 markiplier videos as payment. also for those who dont get it, its a reference to one of markipliers among us videos in the begining)