(Back to the main story)
James is currently helping the villagers with their new issue. Mainly due to the upgrade making this village favored by nature, the town now has a surplus of alcohol, herbs, and water. With the new mass amount of water a hot spring has opened. Well to be more accurate some water has filled up a volcanic vent leading to a new hot spring from the increase in water pressure. So James is helping the villagers carve new routes for the water that is now pouring out of their well so that their town doesn't flood, along with helping them capitalize on their new hot spring. Anyways, James takes a look towards to entrance of the town only to meet eyes with Meliodas.
(Quick explanation, new water is being created via the near infinite amount of magic now trapped in the reservoir, which caused a crack leading to water filling up a volcanic vent and creating a new sulfur river, completely separate from their main water supply since the new pressure isn't allowing any of the sulfur mess to backtrack into the main supply. Explanation over, for those that were curious)
'Meet me in a hour at the edge of the forest'
Meliodas suddenly hearing a voice in his head, understands what James wants and so ignores him and continues on to the rest of the villagers
(mind speaking, meliodas is connected to james, since he is a demon and well the son of the demon king james absorbed)
-Time Slip-
Meliodas appearing at the edge of the forest of white dreams looks around and thinks
M"He should be here by now"
"Of course I am, how could I be late?"
James suddenly says while appearing out of nowhere behind meliodas, instinctively reacting meliodas points his broken sword at james and says
M"Who are you?"
"No need to be so feisty, I am your king after all"
M"So you are the demon king, my father? How did you escape?"
"Ah, you seem to have misunderstood, I am the True Demon King, I have long since removed your father from power, and taken back whats mine."
M"What do you mean?"
"Hm, It couldn't hurt to tell you, I am the True Demon King of the Infinite Hells, your father was purely a figurehead, whom I've removed along with that fake god. They did do a some things I can't condone after all."
M"Huh? Wait, does that mean you can remove it?"
"Of course, I can easily remove Elizabeth and your curse, even before removing those to fakes from their perceived power"
M"What do you want for it?"
"I merely want you to take over hell in your fathers place, and Elizabeth to take over the goddess clan, this of course means you will be my subordinates. Not like you already arn't"
M"What do you mean already arn't? Also why would you want me to take hell?"
"Simple, I'm too lazy to care about one small weak hell, there is a infinite number of vastly more powerful hells that I could exclusively rule. Aside from that, you and Elizabeth are already indentured to me, along with every other demon, daemon, devil, and angel. You all belong to my domain, my mere presence alone would make you swear fealty if I so wished"
M"I agree to take over hell, however, I don't want Elizabeth to be forced to take the goddess clan."
"If she does not wish to take over the goddess clan, then I will simply annihilate it. I don't lose anything from that, rather I would stand to gain more from their deaths."
M"I will go get Elizabeth."
"Very well, I have some business with the rest of your group, so I shall tag along until you gather everyone"
Meliodas leaving James alone, James decides to do something a reader asked.
'Admin Console, Pause Time'
*Admin Console- Time Paused
Once seeing the world gray and at a stand still, james points his hand towards the emptiness infront of him and uses the admin console once more
'Admin console, Create me a void'
*Admin Console-Void Created, Portal Opened
James walking into the void decides to summon them
"As the True Demon King, I command you by my will to appear before me, T********"
(Abrupt end, Cliffhanger-Kun strikes. Thanks for reading, sorry its short. Wanna see if anyone has any issues with the curse stuff. Also don't worry, the MC will get skills that make him less reliant on the admin console soon)