Death by Dishonor

"... Ten Commandments"


With some cool Sfx a black portal appears and out walks the 10 commandments


Zeldris"We answer your call, fathe.??"


Zeldris noticing james is unable to hide his surprise


Zeldris"What did you do with my father, the demon king?!"


"His presence was not needed, as such, he has been removed"




"Not that it matters, but he has expired, after all once more, he was unneeded"


"Now, as your king, I it would seem you are no longer needed."


Estarossa"What do you mean by that?"


"Well, you are of no use to me"


Before allowing them to get a single word in, James points his palm at them and says


" [Divine Authority], [Lord of Greed Mammon]"


The usage of the skills together results in the 10 commandments disappearing and their powers going to strengthen the skill [10 Commandments] and increase the MCs general power


*Notice. Host has gained skills, would host like to see them?




*Notice. Showing Skills


[Full Counter (½)]



[Ominous Nebula]

[God] (basically half of meliodas Full Counter)

[Critical Over] (MC is now broken)



[2% mastery over law {Time}]

[Earth Control]

[Combo Star]

[Perfect Indura Transformation]


.*Notice. All other skills and abilities have been either absorbed by skills or turned into energy


*Notice. Skill [God] and skill [Full Counter ½ ] have combined into [Full Counter ¾ ]


*Notice. [Ominous Nebula], [Blackout], and [Dark Lord] have combined into [Lord of Darkness, Hod]


*Notice. Skill [True Demon King] and [Divine Authority] are reacting with [Lord of Darkness, Hod]


*Notice. Skill [Lord of Darkness, Hod] has evolved into [King of Darkness, Erebus]


*Notice. Skill [Perfect Indura Transformation], [Combo Star], and [Critical Over] have been sacrificed


*Notice. Skill [Great Body] has evolved into [Cratos]


*Notice. Skill [Curse] has been sacrificed, Skill [Disaster] has evolved into [Calamity]


*Notice. Skill [Time Mastery 2%] has been sacrificed. Skill [Earth Control] has evolved into [Earth Manipulation]


*Notice. Skill [Rebellion] has fused into [Gate of Babylon]


*Notice. [Gate of Babylon] has evolved. [Gate of Babylon] gained new affect: All treasures in the world are mine, but better. All items in [Gate of Babylon] are now 5x stronger than their original version


*Notice. Skill [Samael] is reacting with [Four Blessings] and [10 Commandments]


*Notice. Skill [Four blessings] has evolved into [Angel of War, Michael]


*Notice. Skill [10 Commandments] has evolved into Vice Skill [Wrathful King, Satan]


*Notice. Showing hosts new gains

[King of Darkness, Erebus]



[Earth Manipulation]

[Full Counter ¾ ]

[Gate of Babylon]

[Angel of War, Michael]

[Wrathful King, Satan]


'What in the absolute hell…'




(Sorry its short, been busy lately)