Sorry about all the side chapter and non story progressing chapters lately.
The next chapter will be retrieving Ban and dealing with that mess.
So questions.
1.What girls do you want to see in the harem, while primarily unused they will be apart of major things in the future and will be involved in the random slice of life side chapters.
Personally I like Edelgard, since I modeled her after the dark elf fallen from How not to summon a demon lord. Dark Elf Supremacy, Astolfo Supremacy for the win. But only girls according to a previous vote so maybe gender bent astolfo. Anyways Edelgard, Akame from Akame Ga Kill, Rimuru since he technically doesn't have a gender it will work out, maka from soul eater, amy from gargantia on a verdous planet, misha and sasha necron from demon kings academy, chizuru from rent a girlfriend, gender bent ciel from black butler, gender bent alois from black butler, koneko from DXD, Yasaka from DxD, Kuroka from DxD, and posibly adult kunoe from DxD. Those are the girls or gender bents im thinking to give the MC, pretty much just anyone I found attractive while watching the animes, ignoring the ones that would be harder to gender bend or get like Mafuyu from Given. I was also thinking Yukikaze but genderbent but I have no idea how to write his playfull seductive nature, yasaka would already be hard to write. Anyways let me know your thoughts and suggestions
2. Should the MC devour things for power. I mean he should but im talking about big things, like stars or planets, heck even a universe. Just to see what powers he gets kinda thing.
3.How involved do you want the MCs harem to be. I know ive been kinda just forgetting about them since I don't know what to write for em, but I realize they would be useful in doing things. So I ask you for what you all wanna see in the future.
Very Involved(You will see them in major chapters a lot more)
Kinda Involved(You will primarily see them in side chapters and main chapters involving the MCs world)
Not Really Involved(You will only see them in random slice of life chapters)
Not Involved(They will just exist in the background and sometimes be mentioned, only really seen when the MC gets them)
Kill Them(I will have someone on the MCs world go rogue and kill every single person on the world, including his waifus. Then I wont add any future waifus leaving the MC single out of respect for his dead waifus or something)
Nothing(I continue on doing what im doing, randomly mentioning them but more like the Kinda involved option somewhere between kinda and not really)
4.Gender Bend for waifus?
5.Any suggestions? Let me know anything you would wanna change or see in the future, and I will do my best to include it if possible. I don't wanna do something that would make no sense for the MC, even though my characters, specifically the MC doesn't really have a personality now that I think about it, but eh I will continue to do my best and hopefully it works out.
6. Not a question, Thanks for reading! I really do appreciate all of your comments, ideas, suggestions, and just reading it in general! So really thank you all!