
HEHE, my master plan to direct you all to my new fanfic, anyways. I have a notice pertaining to all my works I am writing in the begining of the (SPOILERS) chapter on Lord Potter in Harry Crow, then you can ignore the rest, im just lazy and also want you to read that fanfic as its going well and I already have 2 chapters backlogged for it to come out for the upcoming wednesday. You can just read that note in the beginning if you want, otherwise, look for updates here or just new chapters, I am currently writing a chapter for this and it should come out wednesday around the same upload schedule as the afforementioned new fanfic, im planning on adopting that schedule for everything just to ensure that if I take any unforseen breaks, you still 100% have uploads for a bit.


Thanks for reading! Also thanks for sticking with my crappy writing and false promises lol!