So, im gonna rewrite this, I feel like my MC had no personality of his own and I made him too powerful too quickly so once I got out of the start phase, the longevity of the fanfic decreased infintismally, anyways yeh gonna be rewritten as Ordverse Adventures(Pt.2). However, I don't want to just end it super abruptly without finishing it in any way even though Ima try and rewrite it(note I will be taking the same concept but turning into a new story not editing the chapters on this one, for those that enjoyed and may wanna reread it, I do the same so I just wanna make it an option). Anyways I want yall to choose how I end it, its been a good 50,000 word run but I have no idea how to continue it since the MC can slap most people out of existance, and I refuse to nerf my MC to the point where I could continue writing, afterall people hate nerfing as much as they hate systems that force the MC to do their bidding and NTR.
Good Ending- happily ever after bullshit
Bad Ending- Tehe, the end will not be pretty, but it will be destructive
Mid Ending- A mix of the good and bad but leaning towards eh
Happy Ending- You gotta pay extra for this (If you know what I mean then great, if you dont and are under the age of idk 15? then dont look it up)
In conclusion(lol), Thank yall for sticking with me throughout this horror show of a fanfic, and if you enjoyed it I'm glad, again will be rewritten but things will change specially for the power leveling of the MC, I wanna also try to make the MC feel more like well a human or something, maybe the MC is good to you but to me it seems like I didnt do anything to make the character alive. Anyways Thank you all and Xiànzài zàijiàn
(Sidenote, novel will be delayed since nothing interesting happened in my life to make a chapter out of, downside to basing off my existance I suppose, and the restrictions of the real world, no idea how authors are creative, can I borrow all yalls creativity for a few years?)