Chapter 7

My eyes opens, I was greeted by green and brown. I was in the wood, the tress seems to be moving above me. Wrong I was the one moving, trying to sit up my tied hands stopped me. Staring down at my bounded hands. I was in a moving carriage, my feet shackled to the carriage.   

They took me. I started crying, what were they going to do to me? Looking up at the thick trees, I  couldn't tell what time it was. I shudder as the wind picks up, unable to move my feet or hands I rub against the hay to keep myself warm. Remembering the words Jon said before I was knocked out, he called me a demon. Could I be? But it doesn't make sense, why do I smell of human blood then? And why don't I look like the demons? Could I also be a witch? But the mixture of two different beings has been forbidden for years, no hybrids exist anymore. First I was treated differently because I was human now I'm possibly going to die because of my blood. From every direction, it sounded like the forest had come alive. A rustling grew louder, coming from the right. I jerked back, all but plastering myself into the carriage. I scan the trees, still—

It came out of nowhere, a bust of black fur wolf leapt from the trees into my carriage. Startled, as the carriage snaps from the size of the wolf. Its slick black fur reminded me of Dan, ears pointed and snout snaring. I manage to stifle the scream that climbed into my throat as the wolf lunges for my face. Its crawl dug into my thighs, ripping into my skin, its teeth going into my shoulders. Nearly blacking out from the pain, when a light fur coat catches my eyes. Dan's wolf is torn from me, I watch the two wolves go to the ground ripping at each other. More wolves joined them, all snarling at Dan as he submit to them. I stay tied to the carriage, trembling in pain. I could feel the blood seeping from my shoulders. Maybe dying this way is better than whatever the king planned to do with me.

"Lyanna," my eyes open again when I hear my name. A blurry figure stood above me, caressing my face. Blinking, I see the king above me. His dark curls on his forehead, his eyes were stone-hard. He was still furious with me.

"Untie her!" Silas commands, his men must have done it because I was soon in his hands as he carries me out. I sign at his beautiful face, I was almost at peace just gazing at him.

"Be careful my king!" Someone warns, but Silas ignores them.

"We tent here tonight." I heard Silas say when I placed it onto something soft. "But my king we have a few hours of daylight,"

"I don't give a shit, she needs to tend to."

"I'm fine, just a scratch," I mumble weakly trying to seat up but failed.

"Stay still Lyanna," Silas says and I obeyed, laying still when he lifts my dress. I shiver when I felt his leather gloves on my thighs.

"It's not deep, but needs to be cleaned and tied or else it will get infected." Another voice says,

"This will hurt," I look down at the strange man holding a clear liquid. "Ryker." He introduced himself, he had dark hair and eyes. A shifter.

"Do it," I tell him. Knowing I could lose the leg if he doesn't clean it and wash it out. He nods, grimacing before pouring it. Biting down on my tongue till I taste blood, a grunt left my lips. "You should stay off the leg until it heals," Ryker says wrapping my thighs with a cloth.

"Thank you," glancing around. I see Jon watching me, he doesn't like me. I could tell, he thinks I'm going to hurt them.

"I can watch her tonight my king," my head snaps back to Ryker and Silas when Ryker suggested that.

"Are you going to tie me up like an animal again?" I ask them furious,

"That was Jon, I don't tie up little girls," Silas says. Frowning at his little girl comment, I wasn't a child. Does he see me as a child? Why did he let me touch him then?

"I'm not a child," I grumble out embarrassment, they might be taller and bigger than me but I was still close to their age.

"What are you to do to him," I ask looking at a bloody Dan as a couple of men picked him up. My heart shatters knowing the pain I was going through after losing Rose and his child.

"He's going to die for this," Ryker spat out angrily.

"No! Please he doesn't need to die, just let him go. I don't want another blood on my hand," I begged. "Send him back to the town, I'm sure he's learnt his lesson."

"You don't have a say in this, he attacked another being. He attacked my men. He was going to kill you, punishment is death." Silas growls out.

"Don't use me as an excuse to shed blood, I'm telling you I forgive him. There's no crime for him to be punished for," I stare at the man I was in wonder of before, now all see was a bloodthirsty man.

"Take her to the tent, have two guards watch her," Silas tells Ryker, his voice hardened

"What? Afraid will escape and run?" Was my response.

"Possibly." I meet his intense stare. Was he right? Of course, I would the first chance I get.

"And don't touch her skin," I look down at Ryker's hands, he was wearing black leather gloves like the king.