Chapter 8

I wasn't sure how long I've been inside this tent, it was a comfortable size. Enough for three people, I was bounded to the wooden pole in the middle. My stomach grumbling in hunger, I wasn't sure when I ate. With people knocking me out all the time, the days have gotten mixed up. Staring down at my torn, muddy and bloody dress. I was also in desperate need of a bath. I hear the two guards standing outside the tent talking, they were guessing who I was and what I did. They called me mongrel because of my hair and eyes, they peek in before deciding I was a freak. I almost told them I didn't know what I was either, to let them know they weren't the only ones bewilder.

"My lady," I look up when I hear Ryker's voice.

"I'm not a lady." He stood in his metal armour, holding a bowl with bread in his other hand.

"Are you sure?" He raises his perfect angle brows "I've seen many ladies in court and you are as beautiful as them. Perhaps more." My cheek reddens, Ryker falls to his knees in front of me. My stomach growls when I smelt the soup. He hands me the bowl of soup, the warmth radiates my hands. Bringing it to my lips, I take two big gulps almost gagging from the sour taste. Ryker laugh fills the tent, as I drop the bowl.

"We aren't known for our food, that's the best you'll get. You should drink it all, you need it."

"I need to have a word with your cook," I wipe my lips, laughing. "I'm not sure I even want to know what's in it."

"I don't think Zane will appreciate that, he's a bit of a brute." Closing my eyes, I take two my sip of the soup biting the cold hard bread. Out of the corner of my eyes, I feel Ryker's hands reach for a strand of my hair.

"What happens to your hair?" He mumbles frowning as he caresses the hair between his fingers. "Were you cursed by a witch?"

"No," I say offended

"You must forgive me, I've never seen anything like it. Your eyes are the colour of the blind." Biting into the bread slowly, he wasn't wrong. I've seen blind people with stormy eyes as well.

"Well I'm not blind, I can see you just fine. Brown hair and brown eye like every other shifter except the King. His eyes are blue." I mumble out the last part.

"This King isn't just a werewolf, his part demon. The last Lycan alive, made by witches hundreds of years ago. He has the blood of the first Alpha's. He's a hybrid, he lives on blood and meat." He explained like I was stupid "didn't they teach you this, that's the first thing I was taught as a pud."

"I thought the mixture of two different beings were forbidden?"

"Yes, because of the Lycans. They were powerful than every being, they were bloodthirsty and couldn't be controlled. After they all died out killing the witches, the elders didn't want any more bloodshed so they forbid the mixture of beings because of what could happen if they grow powerful."

"Why did they let the King live then?" I asked

"Because he can't be killed, all they could do was bury him alive for a hundred years. Eventually, when the elders die, he escaped and took over. Only the witches that created the king can kill him, the spell that keeps his heart beating can only be stopped by the witches that cast it but the first witches are long gone." Sucking in a sharp breath, I tore my gaze away from Ryker. Jon said something about the first witches.

"Who were the first witches?"

"There was five; Mary, Aja, Freya, Blair and Morgan. They say Morgan was the most powerful, she had the power of the sun in her. They were the first to worship the sun god, for that they were blessed by Helios. They possessed the power to make light with just a snap of a finger and they could created animals with fire. All of their powers together could move the sun and cause an eternal night. The humans didn't like that, so they took arms against them. Millions of humans died trying to kill them but Aja the youngest was captured and killed by Morgan's lover, King Arthur. Filled with rage, Morgan called for Merlin, the last of the wizard. He gave her the powers to create life, thinking she would use it to bring back Aja. But all she wanted was revenge, so she made the Lycans do her bidding. She killed all Alphas before mixing their blood with demons then breathing life into them. They killed every last human for her, before turning on them." Goosebumps pimpled my skin as I took in what Ryker said. There was so much history I wasn't aware of.

"How did Silas survive?" How did he stay alive while the rest died? Ryker was about to answer me when I felt him. His presence itself was overwhelming without him being in the room. Ryker felt it too because he got up and kept his head down. When Silas walks in, I meet his gaze. His blue eyes were hidden in the dim light. He was no longer wearing armour, he had on a black and gold full-skirted knee-length coat and knee-breeches with boots.

"Untie her, she's coming with me." He spoke calmly, keeping his voice low.