Chapter 20

Gray waited patiently in the parking lot of the deli, bundled up to stave off the wind. He was still surprised that Wynn had agreed to meet him.

The weekend had been rough. He;d had to answer so many questions about what had happened. Most of those consisted of accusatory statements about Wynn, Jarrod, and his parents. Not once were his late parents brought in or were they bashed. Gray could see the ties to the Hunters as Pyre had mentioned.

His only saving grace had been the First Flame. He'd sat in on everything and provided details only Wynn or Jarrod had known. He had been keeping up with humanity despite his respite, and he knew so many things even they had tried to keep hidden.

Anita Wayne had been deposed. She'd kept running her mouth when they were trying to figure out Callum and Ryssa's reasoning for killing Christian Lowell. Pyre had given the reason. Christian's family was descended from the Llewellyn family, one of the first Keeper families. Though he was magicless because of the diluted bloodline, he had been chosen to be the original Oracle, or seer since he was male.

Ryssa had figured it out and had killed Christian to keep him from talking. Because she hadn't considered her own son as valuable, nowhere in her mind would she ever consider Jarrod to be the Lock. When Gray had become the Keeper a little overa year ago, she and Anita had devised a plan to make sure someone else would be chosen they could control.

The look on Nathan's face had been a mixture of disbelief and anger. Disbelief because his mother had tried to kill his best friend, and anger because she had hidden it under the guise of protecting her family. If she had wanted to protect them, she would have been honest about it.

Having heard enough, Pyre had deposed Anita and had commanded all her money be set aside for Nathan upon his graduation. There would be allowances during his college days and he would receive the remaining amount once he graduated from college.

The teens had been asked to leave while the adults had had to stay and listen to how horrible they were. They'd later found out their positions would be replaced, much to their relief. Being in charge of all of California had been hard on them.

Gray was the most relieved. He didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders anymore. Even though his powers lessened, he could still tap into his former Keeper powers if needed. He hoped he would never have to, but with new things happening he wasn't so sure he'd be left alone. None of them would.

Wynn emerged from the deli with two cups of coffee. Gray wasn't exactly sure when he'd arrived but he knew his drink order by heart at this point.

The young man was Gray's one regret. If he'd been honest with him from the beginning, he could have helped ease him into this life. But he'd hid who they were until they'd been implicated for murder. That was his one regret. He couldn't keep them from getting to him.

But Wynn had one thing the rest of them didn't. He had the gut to be himself. He didn't care who he was supposed to be. As long as he could be himself unapologetically, he was fine. And he didn't lie. He was calm when most people would panic. Not many would slam a piece of wood into the back of someone's skull despite being outmatched.

Gray accepted the coffee with a nod. He shivered slightly then turned to get in the car. Wynn followed after he unlocked the doors. He started the engine and cranked up the heat. Overcast skies made late fall in California feel like the Pacific Northwest without the snow.

"Thanks for meeting me here. I feel like your parents wouldn't have let me see you had I shown up," Gray said.

"They've been extra cautious but that's mostly with the adults. Anita Wayne tried to come by last night. They wouldn't let her in. She was screeching mad. They explained what had happened afterwards. I hate she lost her place, but damn was she annoying," Wynn mused.

Gray cast him an interested look. "I have never heard you cuss before."

"I have four younger siblings who would mimic it so I don't do it much."

They fell into companionable silence. Gray was just glad there wasn't much awkwardness between them. They'd been through a lot over the last several weeks. It was good to see it hadn't clouded Wynn's judgement.

"I was wrong," he said. Wynn looked at him but didn't say anything. "I knew from the beginning what you were. I even had an inkling what Jarrod was too. I just didn't say anything. It was very selfish of me to do so."

Wynn didn't say anything for a long time. He looked over his window. Gray knew he hadn't fallen asleep because he could see his eyes flicking about in his reflection. They were a lighter shade of brown, almost copper. It had to be from opening the volcano dragon's portal.

"I liked you, Gray," he said after some time, "but not in a romantic way. Not like Jarrod."

Gray held his head low. He'd known this was coming. He'd known the pull of a lock to its key and vice versa was too strong. He thought he could have a chance, but no one could go against the magic.

"But despite all of that, I've chosen not to date either of you." The driver looked at the passenger. Wynn was looking at him with no fear or hesitation. "I told you in the beginning I didn't date. None of it was because of you or him. I promised myself I would not give up on my dreams, even if I truly enjoyed being with someone. That's why I was so against dating you and Jarrod."

"So it wasn't anything we've done?" Gray's voice was thic with emotion. Wynn shook his head, and the blond sighed. "Good. I'm glad it wasn't something I did."

"However, I think you need to talk to Jarrod. There are things you don't know. Things about your parents, and what his did to Callins. I know we've just solved their murders, but there's more."

The other boy swallowed hard. "Did he tell you that?"


The one word was enough to ease his mind. If Wynn thought he needed to talk to Jarrod he would. He wasn't sure what good it would do, but he'd try.

They sat there talking about their plans after graduation. Gray was planning to attend UCLA and study law like his dad. He would leave a good memory on everyone as his dad did. He also had plans to study the Keepers and Scales further. He wanted to know as much as he could so they wouldn't potentially repeat the cycle.

When their coffee was finished, Gray took Wynn home. He saw Jarrod and Wynn's dad sitting on the porch with steaming cups. The Espositio family had taken in the newly orphaned boy who would soon be an adult. He wondered where he slpt. Was it with Wynn or did he have his own room? Did Wynn's parents know about Jarrod's interest in their son?

All those thoughts whirled together, and he caught himself just staring at them. Wynn blocked his view by coming around to his window. Gray glanced back, surprised he didn't hear the dark headed boy get out.

Wynn glanced back, understanding what the other boy was staring at. He looked back at him, a gentle look on his face. He knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Mamma converted her sewing room to another bedroom. Jarrod sleeps there. They moved some of his stuff at the attorney's approval. After the holidays, they'll probate the wills and see what's left. Jarrod may have to sell if there isn't enough money to settle their debts," he explained.

"How is he?" Gray asked.

"He has his moments. He broke a bowl last night. Something hit him and he dropped it. Mamma didn't blame him. She consoled him as Helena cleaned it up. He works through it on his own, talking a little here and there."

"I'll call him when he settles down. If anyone understands that pain, it is me." He nodded towards the porch. "They're waiting for you. You should go."

Wynn nodded. "See you Monday?"

Gray nodded, and the ruddy cheeked boy ran up the walkway. The boy in the car watched as he hugged his father then ruffled the hair of their guest. He was closer to Jarrod emotionally than he was to the others. There was nothing anyone could do about it except support him.

Sighing, he let the car take him home, driving as if he was on autopilot. Maybe his foster parents knew something. He'd ask them first before he called Jarrod. But they had enough on their plates with Pyre wreaking havoc with the Wyvern Council and now defunct Scale.

Gray Rivers wasn't the type to back down from a challenge, but he was cautious before he dove head first off the ledge. He would look into his parents' wreck, then he'd talk to Jarrod. He wanted to have enough information just in case he wanted to test Jarrod or if he felt he was lying.

He was willing to step out on that ledge to get a friend back. He just hoped that bridge hadn't burned completely yet.