

Wynn checked in and had his bags weighed. He ripped his boarding pass tightly, a happy jitter going through his body. He was going home to Tuscany. He would spend the summer with his grandparents before going to school in september. Most importantly he was going home.

The last several months had been fairly easy. After the crap they'd gone through in October and November, things had settled. The kids had settled down after a memorial service for Christian Lowell. There were still flowers decorating his locker along with a gold-plated plaque bolted to it. It would never be used by any other student.

Gray and his friends settled into being kids. They didn't have the world on their shoulders anymore, and they didn't have to stop their social lives. They were able to branch out and make more friends away from the others. Several of them ahd gone out and had joined sports teams and clubs they never had the guts to join before since the Scale took up most of their time.

The seniors had all applied and had gotten into good colleges. Artie and Nathan were headed to MIT; Autumn, Jarrod, and Karl were accepted to the University of Washington (Karl was Jarrod's friend); and Gray was accepted to UCLA. Wynn had been accepted to his first school of choice in Italy then to National School of Fine Arts in Paris, France. He had applied on a whim and had been surprised when he had gotten in.

Most of their acceptance letters had been conditional until after the SATs. none of it had mattered since they'd all passed with scores over 1300. Wynn had taken it in lieu of an entrance exam he'd have to take in Europe. The schools had let them take the place of their exams since he'd sent in his portfolio.

Somehow they'd all become rather comfortable with each other now that other things were out of their way. They'd started house jumping every night for dinner, landing at the Esposito house several times. Francesca had been over the moon to have a houseful of kids. She'd missed having parties like theyd used to in Italy. For all the teens to show up at one, she was as bubbly as she used to be.

Giulio and Francesca also told their stories living in Italy. Their time had been so differen. They hadn't had to worry about things. They were able to be kids. They'd had a lot of useful information; the information their parents were supposed to give their kids. They told so many good stories about their times and adventures of growing in a healthy Scale everyone else was envious.

Wynn had found out his parents had met at the hospital the night Francesca's Key had died from his tumor. Giulio had kept in contact with her several months after. They'd met again in Naples for a wedding of a mutual friend, and the rest was history. Now seven kids later, they were very happy even if their kids didn't have magic.

They had also basically adopted Jarrod and Gray. Their birthdays had been celebrated at the Esposito house as well as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thomas and Stella had been invited as well as Jarrod's housekeeper Angela. It had been a big family party and everyone had enjoyed it.

As time came for Wynn to go back to Italy, the kids had started doing more things together. Cookouts, road trips, amusement parks, and other things were on their list to do before they were separated. Despite the first six, seven weeks being in a living hell, they'd come to truly enjoy each other. They were always willing to do something fun.

Autumn and Winter had thrown an amazing going away party. They'd set up a bonfire at Storm Winery, and they'd partied well into the morning with parental supervision. It had been a good note to leave on.

Now sitting at the airport, he felt quiet and a sense of loneliness. He'd spent the last six months with so many people that being alone was deafening. He was early and his flight wasn't leaving for another hour and half.

"You should have told me you were coming early." Wynn looked up at the voice. Jarrod stood beside him, cup of coffee in hand. "Your mom brought you without saying anything. How fair is that?"

"I didn't want all the emotions," Wynn replied. He took the cup. "No one can change my mind."

"I'm not trying to. I just thinki it's sad to wait alone for a flight. I've done that. It's not fun and quite lonely."

"Did you confirm your intent to attend?"

Jarrod nodded. "I'll become an official Husky in September.

"You don't sound excited."

The taller boy extended his legs and leaned back in the hardback seat. "It gets me away from here, and I also love the Pacific Northwest. Seattle is one of my favorite cities."

"Go to the original Starbucks for me."

"I will," Jarrod laughed.

They fell into an easy silence. If anyone had asked Wynn eight months ago that he'd be able to become friends with the biggest bully in school, Wynn would have told them they were crazy. But after everything that had happened, Jarrod had become pretty close with him. Now they could talk about anything and not feel completely awkward.

They'd settled all romantic issues after the holidays. Wynn hadn't wanted a short relationship so he'd told Jarrod he couldn't do it. Jarrod had taken it hard but he'd undestood. If they'd met sooner or later, maybe it would have worked out. They were happy to remain friends despite the strong feelings.

They sat in companionable silence as they watched the sun come up. The flights started arriving and slowly departing. One by one they were called. A little after eight, Wynn's flight was called. He gathered his things and made his way to the gate. Jarrod followed him, heels shuffling against the floor.

The agent checked his boarding pass with a smile. "Mr. Esposito, your seat has been upgraded to First Class. Enjoy your flight."

Wynn stepped aside and looked at Jarrod. "First class?"

Smiling, the shorter man hugged him. "I have to go."

Jarrod hugged him back hard. "Stay safe. Call if you need anything."

Wynn pulled away then walked through the gate. Jarrod watched him disappear before walking to the windows overlooking the tarmac. He saw the flight loading the cargo bay and a tight feeling wrenched in his chest. He was losing the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"Is he gone?" Jarrod turned around as Gray ran up. He nodded and turned around to look out the window again. Gray sighed. "Damn. I was too late."

"Did you call Callins like he asked?" Jarrod asked.

"Mmm. He said your parents paid him off to leave. He also said they tried to drown him. He figured he needed to leave before he was killed," Gray explained.

"I'm sorry, Gray. For hiding all of this and being an ass. I didn't want anyone to find out the shame I've lived under."

Gray clapped him on the shoulder. "Abuse is a hard pill to swallow. You didn what you thought was best for you to get you through the circumstance. No one can blame you."

They watched as the flight to Florence, Italy, took off from the runway. On that flight was the one person who had brought them together and had given them something to live for. Eventually they would live again. They hoped they would.

Gray slapped Jarrod on the back, and they turned from the window. Breakfast sounded good right about now.