The Other's Shrine: Level 3

Carlos opens his eyes and he's in a new room. He looks around only to see a door. 'Where am I? Is this the same place?' Carlos walks out of the room. In the other room, it's just a circular platform floating above a bottomless pit.

There didn't seem a way to get to the platform, but on his left, there was the same structure that gave the Sheikah Slate a new rune. 'I'm going to call them, Gifting Pedestals.' Carlos walks up to the pedestal and places the Slate on it.

The Slate fell in place and the reversed triangle started glowing blue. Then a drop of the blue substance falls on the Slate. Carlos backs up a bit and looks at the Slate. "Stasis Rune extracted!" The Slate read and detached. Carlos grabbed the Sheikah Slate and felt a slight rumble.

"For you who call yourself The Other One..." A voice boom as platforms rises from the pit, "...I give you this combat trial..." The platforms stop creating a bride, "...Now stand on the arena." Carlos walks on the bride and steps onto the platform.

"The Other One's power is much dangerous than you could think of..." The voice booms as the platforms fall back down, "...If you are The Other One, then unleash that power on these scouts..." Two robots fall on the platform and stare at Carlos, "...Show me that you are capable of wielding such power!"

Carlos unsheaths the sword and shield and charges at the Scouts. 'I don't know what does the voice means, but I'll try my best!' One of the scouts extends its head and in his limbs, there's a sword and a shield. On the other scout, it has an axe.

The first scout runs to the back of Carlos while the second readies its axe. Carlos notices the first scout swing at him, so he blocks it with his shield. The second scout swings the axe, hitting Carlos in his ribs. Carlos is flung by the axe and rolls on the ground.

Carlos stands up as he rubs his ribs, 'I'm going to be pushed out of this platform at this rate.' Carlos runs up to the first scout. And as soon as the first scout swings at him, Carlos smacks the sword with his shield making the scout stutter. Carlos eyes the second scout, and its readies the axe. 'Now!'

The shield forms into a wing on Carlos' back as he leaps. Carlos notices the second scout missing its swing. Then Carlos slashes at the first scout as he lands behind it. The blade of the sword forms into a large hammer as Carlos readies it, "Take this!"

Carlos swings it and the first scout is blown back by the hammer and falls off the platform. The shield and sword form back to normal as Carlos jumps back to dodge the second scout's axe. 'Maybe I could use the same thing to this one...'

The second scout readies the axe. 'Now time to wait for the swin-' All that Carlos could see is a blue blur striking the shield, shattering it into pieces. Carlos looks at the shield's remains, '...It broke? Crap! That means I'm only left with the sword and the bow!'

Carlos jumps back as he dodges the second swing of the axe and takes out the bow. He sheaths the sword and grabs an arrow as Carlos aims for the second scout's eye. The first arrow strikes its eye as the second scout stutters.

Carlos puts away the bow and unsheaths the sword and forms it into a hammer. Carlos readies the hammer and slams it into the second scout. The scout explodes as the platform stops. Carlos looks around and a chest drops on the middle of the platform. "Take up arms, The Other One." The voice booms as the platform begin to move forward into a hallway.

Carlos unlocks the chest with the slate and grabs a new shield. 'Well, I don't know what's coming next...' Carlos straps the shield on his left arm and looks into the next room. The platform moves to the center of the next room and stops.

"This trial isn't yet over..." The voice booms as Carlos looks around, "...Now you will have to battle to the death with these machines, then you'll be able to reach to the fourth level." Carlos spots some platforms on the walls. "Wait, can't you tell me who you are?" Carlos shouts up where there's a hallway visible.

"You will know my name later, for now... Call me Another One." Another One voice slowly grows quiet as the platform begins moving up. 'Alright, battle to the death... I think Link has done one of these.' Carlos chuckles as he begins shaking.

Then three scouts fall onto the platform and take out their weapons. The first takes out a sword, the second takes out a spear, and the third takes out an axe. 'I really wish I could speak to someone other than myself...' Carlos rushes to the third scout.

The first fires small lasers at Carlos as he rushes to the third, but he blocks it with his shield. As soon as Carlos reaches the third scout, the other two surround him. 'Are these the same trials that Link had to take 100 years ago?!' Carlos groans as he eyes the scouts waiting for them to attack.

He kneels as the shield turns into a wing on Carlos' back and begins to flap. 'If I had another wing, I could fly, but one wing would do...' The scouts ready their weapons and in the last second, Carlos leaps into the air.

Carlos looks down, 'Crap! If only the platform wasn't rising!' Carlos leans forward as the wing flaps, making him be upside-down. 'I don't know much about birds, but I know that redirecting themselves with swift movements is key for flight!' The wing flaps pushing Carlos to the platform as Carlos thrusts into the platform.

A shockwave was made by the sword. The wing flaps making Carlos hit the floor on his ribs. The platform wobbles from the shockwave from the sword. The third scout falls off of the platform as the other two rebalance themselves. 'How are my ribs not broken yet?!'

The second aims the spear at Carlos and shoots the tip of the spear at him, but he leans to the left and dodges the tip. Carlos stands up and swings the sword at the second as it forms into a hammer.

The second scout falls off the platform. The first puts the sword away and begins to glow blue. 'Well, that can't be good.' Carlos swings the hammer at it, but the scout doesn't flinch. 'Huh? then how am I going to defeat it?' The hammer turns back into a sword as Carlos hacks away at the scout.

The scout slowly begins to beep as a red dot is seen on Carlos' chest. 'It's going to shoot something at me!' Carlos looks around and spots a metal crate on one of the platforms on the walls. The beeping is getting fast as Carlos grabs the Sheikah Slate and grabs the crate with Magnesis. Carlos puts it in front of him and prepares for what's the scout is about to fire.

The beeping is at its fastest and a bright blue flash is seen before an explosion. The explosion makes the crate push backward on Carlos and he pushes it as another explosion pushes the crate. Another explosion blasts open the crate and Carlos is pushed to the ledge of the platform.

'Battle to the death... Then I'll also go all out!' Carlos takes out a bomb and explodes it with the Sheikah Slate. Carlos rushes at it as the sword forms into a greatsword. Carlos starts wildly spinning around as the greatsword slashes at the scout.

Carlos starts spinning faster as the scout starts beeping. 'I gotta keep going until it explodes!' Carlos slowly screams as he keeps spinning faster. The beeping gets faster as Carlos keeps spinning faster. "Gotta... Keep... Going!" Carlos yells as he spins at his fastest.

The beeping goes at its peak. Carlos leans forward as the wing flaps, making him frontflip. As soon as Carlos saw the outline of the scout, he raised the greatsword, 'This will not be my end!' Carlos slams the greatsword at the scout as the laser fires.

Carlos is blown back by the blast and the robot explodes. Carlos quickly looks up, 'I... did it...' Carlos stands up and straitens his back, '...I actually did it.' The greatsword forms back into a sword as Carlos looks at it. "I did it!"

Carlos laughs as he kneels, "Thank goodness!" Carlos feels a sharp pain in his side. The platform stops at a room. In the room, there's a statue. "Man, I don't know, maybe I could be 'The Other one'." Carlos slowly stands up and heads to the statue. "Thanks, mate." Carlos smirks as he shakes the statue's hand.

All that Carlos sees is blue light surrounding him...