
On the barracks situated nearby the merchant district. After 30 minutes of rest, Renzia Annabasis, recovered enough energy for him to help out others. Around him were other soldiers taking a rest in the main leisure room, Funded by Farley's golden coffers.

The fire was still raging but a howling wind from the East directed it to lesser fuel. Every minute, the fire slowly diminished to the point that the soldiers already started to reduce the damages of the fire. Carrying, plentiful amounts of water just so they could distinguish the fire. Expectedly it worked, the soldiers successfully extinguished the fire. What was left behind were piles of burnt rubble and burnt bodies of men, women, and children. Those who were stuck inside their fallen houses, were brought down by the strong shockwave of the falling star. Onlookers on the balconies of two-story buildings witnessed the whole event.

Knowing that the soldiers calmed down. Renzia rubbed his temples in relief. Even then their duty was still present. But there was already an abundance of soldiers in the area; Even the soldiers who guarded the Farleyan Harbor were situated in the poor residential area. It left a great risk of danger for Farley Harbor. With the lack of guards in the area some repressed thieves had started making their move; Acting as passersby in order to pickpocket those who were oblivious. It revealed a crack in the Farleyan Army. No, it was the lack of policing in the city. For a state that values the economy and prosperity, it sure lacked the capabilities to protect the peace. Merely relying on the Farleyan Army to protect the civilians. When they were gone for a campaign the remaining soldiers whom the count assigned to stay weren't enough to protect the city.

For these past two years, there was a lack of battles. In turn temporary peace came on the island as criminal activity was heavily reduced. But before those two years of peace, Farley was entangled in a series of wars that it exhausted the army's forces. for these past two years, The count spent a dozen dime for the improvement of the army but a large ton of the recruits weren't even experienced to the pain of war. The horridness and sacrifice every soldier had to face; Something of which only a few veterans of the army faced.

Renzia was part of those inexperienced people. But within those new recruits were untapped talents and secretive individuals. Two of which are currently relaxing in the barracks. They wore gambesons made with contemporary designs. Those two were Yukio Mishima and Khareva Thargate. Yukio Mishima was a 20-year-old woman who managed to enter the Farleyan Army. A male-dominated field of work yet she showed herself to the recruiters that she was worth in the army. She had black hair and a ponytail which showed a little beauty on her face. While Khareva Thargate, was a brown-skinned man 18-year-old man who had fierce eyes. Every he gazed his eyes towards others, fear ran down on their bodies.

Renzia never knew them as they only recently joined the army a week ago. But he intended to acquaint himself in front of both of them. Due to mysterious circumstances, he wasn't able to even talk in front of them. It's as if both of them were intentionally avoiding others or even communicating with them. This perplexed him for a while but found no worth in continuing further. If they had no interest in communicating with others then his efforts would just be in vain. As such he left them alone to do their businesses.

He carefully glanced at them. They were conversing with one another with a low-sounding voice. In fact, other soldiers hadn't even noticed they were conversing. Since the majority of them were on the balconies. 'What are they talking about I wonder? They intrigued me before but I guess they do not intend to even communicate with us'

'No bother, I should go back to the walls as soon as possible. I am already well-rested anyways even for a short time.' He held a wooden cup of water. Taking a mouthful before he stood up and went downstairs. But as soon as he came downstairs the door was forcefully opened. With a bang who resounded in the room, Alerting the soldiers from the balconies and those who were resting on their beds. They gathered downstairs in order to check what was happening on the ground floor. Only to realize it was their boss, General Anatolia.

"My, my it turns out there are a lot of soldiers here. That's convenient. Now! I want 30 men to come with me! We will be going outside the walls. Survey the area. We will ride by horse so that this task can go faster and efficiently!" As soon as he entered, he quickly explained the mission to the relaxed soldiers. There were many of them in the barracks, the total amount for 100 soldiers in the building. Some temporarily lived in the barracks as their homes were located in the small town of Tromarie located in the west.

The barracks were home for soldiers who didn't have their own homes in the city. He pointed his fingers and directed them at the soldiers. 'It seems the troops here are relaxed. No bother, I can easily pick those who are capable. Oh! it seems my dear little friend is here.'

For a while, he observed the men and analyzed those who were fit for travel. Renzia looked fresh and relaxed as such he was eventually chosen. "Renzia! Khareva! Yukio, Beckert!..." One by one, he picked the soldiers who would join him. If a soldier was called they would go outside and reorganize themselves in a square. It took him a short time of 13 minutes until he finished choosing. Anatolia ordered the remaining soldiers to help in the rescuing of civilians in the walls. While those who were chosen headed outside of the walls where the stables are.

"That place again... It was muddy to no end. It's as if the managers of that place gave no attention to hygiene." Renzia was annoyed. Handling horses was rigorous and expensive. The city had to receive daily shipments of hale in order to supply the 100 horses living on the island. The island is grassy but filled with other domesticated animals that there was not enough for horses to feed with.

Even then the horses were of great condition. Although the army barely used the horses on other campaigns located on the two continents. One thing that the nation boasts was not their army but their navy.

They passed through the destruction-ridden residential district. Screaming mothers and weeping children echoed into the minds of the passing soldiers. They felt sadness and fear inside them. Seeing them lowered their moods but they could potentially find the reasoning behind the shockwave.

They already had a gist of their mission. It was to survey the island for damages. The island was 89 kilometers long with a width of 3 to 22 kilometers. They could reach the other side in an hour at maximum speed.

Finally reaching the stables, they met another chaotic scene. The horses forced themselves out of their cages. Some stayed but the shockwave scared many of them to the point they ran away from the stables. Many horses had a lead rope tied on their heads. The number of horses that escaped was 54 with the remaining horses on the stable being 46.

The amount was enough for them to ride on. Unknowingly almost every soldier in the Farleyan Army as of late knew how to ride a horse. A new training was passed by the count in order to make the army as flexible as possible. They rode their horses confidently and barely had any trouble. That bare trouble would be Renzia. he had not ridden a horse for a month. "Hehe, could you help me?" He asked others and his friends with an embarrassed tone.

"I'll help you, dumbass." Anatolia disembarked from his horse to help Renzia. He struggled for a bit but the trouble was accomplished in a matter of seconds. Albeit Renzia still had troubles but those troubles were things he could handle by himself.

"Men! We will head to Tromarie!"They head to Tromarie as the sun slowly rose to the sky. It was already dawn by the time they had left. For the citizens of Farley City, they could now witness the damage brought by the shockwave and the fire. The path leading to Tromarie was visible due to protruding light that passed through the clouds.

Trees toppled by the strong force of the shockwave. It made a natural clearing in the small patches of forest located on the island. Cattle and sheep were injured and some died on the spot. One could imagine what sort of tragedy would await them once they arrived at Tromarie. The general atmosphere of the group was gloomy. They expected large casualties since Tromarie wasn't that well-built, according to their perception. They took the time traveling the muddy and dirty roads as a means of relaxation.

This time would be the last time they would feel the qualms of peace in their hands. What happened next was beyond their control. In fact, it had already started as one soldier coughed blood unknowingly.