
Smoke ascended into the sky as they finally reached the small town of Tromarie. Gloom crossed to their eyes as to what they had witnessed. They expected many damages but not to the extent of what the inhabitants of Tromarie experienced.

Accompanied with a calm breeze, there was a heavy contrast into what was once Tromarie. Nevertheless, they proceeded in surveying the town. Clearly, the situation on Tromarie was worse than what Farley City experienced. Many dead were laying on the dirty and muddy streets. The docks were devastated and almost unrecognizable. Shipwrecks of Farleyan Ships watch ashore into the small town. Fishes caught by fishing boats scattered through the coastline.

Survivors were dirtied with mud and saltwater desperately finding their loved ones. Loved ones that were buried under the rubble or into the sea. A good chunk of the thirty soldiers who came into town felt weaker. Coughing and moving slower than usual. Even the horses reduced their speed and some stopped walking. Eventually, they stopped their tracks and remained on the road. This forced some soldiers sick or not to walk the road. It slowed their progress yet they managed to reach Tromarie 2 hours later. By the time they went there, 24 of the soldiers had fallen sick and were coughing repeatedly.

The healthy soldiers turned around and saw that the 24 soldiers had slowed down. The 6-remaining found it strange that all of a sudden 24 soldiers would fall sick. Beckert Adlers, Yukio Mishima, Khareva Thargate, Renzia Annabasis, Minerva Rance, and Thilgo Arbert were left unaffected by the sickness. Anatolia was also healthy. Perplexed, Renzia thought that there was a bigger force affecting the island. 'How could such a thing happen? They were just healthy a while ago. Now they aren't? Is there a force that could have led to this? Maybe... they are just weak.' He fell deep into thought as he rode into his healthy horse.

Once they finally passed through the town square. They had encountered two Farleyan Soldiers who were patrolling the damaged area. They immediately saluted in front of the young general. The only thing left standing was the newly built church and the sturdy town hall where the mayor of the town resided. There were some buildings that managed to stay up; This was partly because of the sturdy and strong structure these stone buildings were made of. But there were only a few since a large ton of the houses and buildings made in Tromarie were built with, once again, Wood.

Anatolia inquired about the events that had happened in Tromarie to the two soldiers."So what happened here?"

"Yes, my lord! Um- My lord the town was affected by a large shockwave. We do not know where it came from but it was strong!" He explained the details that Anatolia already knew. As such, I asked them to add more details to the story. "I already know that. But it seems Tromarie faced more destruction."

"Yes sir! A large wave struck Tromarie during dawn. It engulfed most of the harbor into the water. It destroyed many wooden structures, sir!" While explaining, he knelt into the sodden dirt. Clenching his fist and placing it into his chest. He has shown respect which made Anatolia smile a little bit despite the sadness around him.

"Well then, where is the mayor? Where does he reside?" He asked the duo soldier and pointed into the town hall. The Town Hall was in plain sight as buildings that covered it was toppled. The survivors crowded the town hall and churches; Asking for refuge just so they could enter the Town Hall.

The survey group arrived at the town hall. Only 7 people were healthy on the way. Anatolia assigned those 6 people to accompany him to the Town Hall. While those who were sick and had fallen ill sat nearby the Town Hall.

Many were desperate for help but the Town Hall was overwhelmed with sickness and injuries. The stone structure became the backbone of the town hall. Inside the town hall, there were some wooden walls and wooden structures. The furniture wasn't as lavish as the city hall in Farley City. but was

Anatolia increased his wariness and warned his other soldiers to be wary as well. The wailing cries of the sick children and women affected the 7 of them. They were heavily affected since it was different from what they had seen in Farley. Yukio Mishima spoke her thoughts. "Was there widespread sickness here?" They couldn't help but feel fear of the future. Even Anatolia wasn't confident with the situation as such he would consult first with the Mayor of the Town.

As they stepped into the stairs, they heard strong bangs on the wooden walls. It was so strong that it gained the attention of many survivors and sick people. Renzia decided to stay behind on the ground floor. "Hey, I'm going to stay here." Anatolia glanced at him and nodded. They continued upstairs in order to consult the mayor of the town. While Renzia checked the ground floor of the Town Hall.

Beckert somehow joined in with Renzia. He came downstairs and explained to Renzia why he was downstairs. "The General sent me to accompany you so..."

Renzia simply acknowledged his friend's orders. He signaled Beckert to follow him. They peeked through the wooden halls of the Town Hall and there was no danger present. Only the sickly bodies of the very weak laying on the ground were present. When he observed the sick he realized that their skin was slowly turning gray and repeatedly coughing out blood. They examined the main hall and the bangs started growing stronger. They increased as the time came on. Renzia felt that there was something amiss with the situation. Even the other guards increased their alertness. But it soon stopped as one hand pierced through the wooden walls.

To their surprise, a hole cracked in the wooden wall appeared in an instant. An old mad man who possessed gray skin on his entire body. Coughing out blood to the floor and sprinkling it on the sick survivors. His eyes were bloodshot and bleeding with red. his eyes glared with animosity to those who were well and alive.

He forcefully grabbed one of the sick and lifted it in the air with one hand. Panic ensued inside the town hall. Women and children screamed until their hearts were out. Some men were not moving and were appalled by what was happening. Although some were starting to make their moves and attack the enraged mad man. One of the soldiers charged at the madman raising the tip of his sword towards the chest area of the madman.

The mad man recognized the charging soldiers. Inflicted with rage and anger he threw the sickly person onto the mad man. Unfortunately, the person was stabbed by the sword of the attacker. "Holy... That guy is strong!" This surprised Beckert and Renzia. Instantly becoming hesitant to apprehend the mad man. But since they had the numbers, many other healthy soldiers charged towards the mad man.

This time they took their stance. Slowly approaching the mad man with their square shields present and their swords ready. Beckert and Renzia also joined in. The mad man glanced at the approaching soldiers and immediately attacked them. He punched the shield and it left a bump on the metal. The soldier using the damaged shield was surprised and left his guard down. The Mad man eventually struck the soldier. The punch made was so strong that the soldier flew to the walls breaking some of his bones. Knowing that the mad man was stronger than the average person they decided to charge head-on. Some held back because of the number of people trying to attack in a small space. Even then, the mad man's body inflicted many stabs and lacerations from the attacks of the soldiers.

The old mad man slowly weakened and screamed in pain. It was so loud that someone's ear rang. Splashes of blood dropped into the floor. The mad man took a few weak steps towards Renzia. Feeling feeble and slowly dying. After one final step, the mad man finally fell to the floor. He struck the floor headfirst.

Anatolia and many other soldiers quickly went downstairs to the ground floor. The mayor of Tromarie was present in the area. Renzia and Beckert approached Anatolia quickly and reported the situation. Beckert said first."My Lord! A mad man with a strength of ten men attacked us! I fear two people died in the hall. favorably the mad man died" He pointed his fingers towards the dead mad man. The survivors in the area were slowly relieved to see the threat dead on the floor.

They returned to tending towards the sick and injured but Renzia had a bad hunch. He observed the sickness once again and this time he felt uncomfortable. The closer he looked towards one of the sick people the more he made the idea that they could become the mad man. Strong and unhinged, killing anyone on their path.

He would soon be right as another bang resounded on the ground floor.